Galería del proyecto Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Inspírate con estos asombrosos hábitats para la exploración humana del espacio diseñados por equipos de estudiantes de todo el mundo.

MoonCamp – Laboratory by Pinewood4B – 2B

Pinewood American International School, Colegio Anatolia  Salónica-Thessaloniki    Grecia 9 años   2 / Inglés Luna

Descripción del proyecto

The team’s goal was to build the laboratory station for an envisioned settlement on the Moon. They researched about the different construction elements of a space for conducting experiments and analysing the data that would be built underground in order to sustain human life. After, they designed 3D Tinkercad model that they refined after peer-reflection, which presents all the elements neccessary for survival and safe working conditions.

#Diseño 3D

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