
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Artemis

Primary school of Antun and Ivan Kukuljević  Varaždinske Toplice    Croatia 13

External link for 3d

Project description

1.1 Lunacamp I is the first Moon outpost. It gains its name from the Roman goddess of Moon, Luna. Lunacamp’s primary purpose is scientific research on the lunar surface. It can house 2 astronauts at once. The camp communicates with Earth using laser communication. The astronauts will arrive at the camp from Gateway lunar orbital station.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

This location was chosen because on the south lunar pole temperatures are less extreme(compared to the othrer places on the Moon), there is plenty of water-ice, and the Sun shines for longer what isn better for the plants growig in the role garden cupola(cupola on top of the structure)

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

The moon camp would be built mostly by rovers. Firstly, multiple rovers would start by digging a hole in the lunar surface, meanwhile, another rover is building an aluminum support structure. Over that support structure, another rover would start building from lunarcrete(regolith concrete). Once the sides are complete, a spacecraft would insert the hard, kevlar-aluminum-polyethylene shield. Other rovers will then secure the camp and check for holes in the structure.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water is provided by water-ice, which is excavated by,,LLRH” rovers, and is melted using a mirror. The water is processed(purified etc.) in the,,LLRPF”. From there it is delivered to pressurized modules using pipes. Not to waste much water, it is recycled from astronaut’s urin.

Food, primarily fish and algae, are growing in the ,,Garden cupola”. When they are harvested, they are processed in the kitchen( ground floor). Simple vegetabiles(like beans, carrots, and potatoes) are grown in larger pots around the space station.

The primary source of power are 2 RTG(radioisotope thermoelectric generator)’s. They are able provide electric power whitout sunlight, and they don’t need much maintance as they last for a long time. The RTG’s are in modified SpaceX Dragon capsules suited for landing and with extra radioactive shielding.

There are 3 ways we can get oxygen from local resources. Frist is using plants to absorb CO2 and produce Oxygen. The second way is to extract Oxygen from regolith which woud be processed in LLRPF. The third and most extreme option is to use electrolysis to divide hydrogen and oxygen from water.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Time on the south lunar pole is long, so we use central European time on Lunacamp. The astronauts wake up at 6 am. When they are woken up, they brush their teeth, change from pajamas, and do other morning rituals. When they finish whit their morning ritual, they make their breakfast. At 7 am astronauts have a morning conference whit the mission control where they discuss today’s plans. If there isn’t an EVA scheduled, astronauts work from the end of the conference(7:15 am) to 1 pm, when they eat their lunches(ends at 1:30 pm). Astronauts work 3 and a half more hours(until 5 pm ). After that, they have dinner and exercise for 1-2 hours. If there is an EVA astronauts prepare the whole day for the EVA, and later preform it.

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