
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.


Kusadasi Makbule Hasan Ucar Anatolian High School  AYDIN    Turkey 14

External link for 3d

Project description

Sweet Poisons is a camp design that can be set up in the near future in the moon.In addition,Sweet Poisons is an expandable and at the same time a camp where astronauts can live comfortably.This project is not only a design but also an idea for camps to be established in the near future.This camp is a camp where two astronauts can live.Two astronauts can live in this camp using the conditions on the moon without any support.

We are planning to cover the living spaces of our camp with a substance called cubic boron nitride. This item will protect astronauts from hazards such as meteorites.We also built a turret around our camp.This turret allows the meteorites to break up before they can come to the camp.Despite all the precautions we took,we made multiple exits in case the meteor could damage our camp.In this case,astronauts are more likely to escape.In order to be protected from radiation,the rooms where astronauts will live will be underground.Thus,the powdery substance covering the surface of the Moon will protect astronauts from radiation.This powdery substance has low thermal conductivity,so it is resistant to the radiation emitted by sunlight.When the astronauts are out of the room,their clothing will protect them from radiation.This powdery substance on the lunar surface will also protect astronauts from sudden temperature changes while inside the rooms.Outside the rooms,the clothing they wear will protect them from sudden temperature changes.In order to protect astronauts from UV rays,we will use a substance called zinc nanoparticle.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

We are planning to build the lunar camp at the lunar poles. Since the sun will always appear on the horizon, we built upright panels that will collect energy from the sun’s rays. In fact, we could set up the lunar camp at the equator. We didn’t set it up because we had easier access to water at the lunar poles. It was a problem that the Sun always appeared on the horizon at the lunar poles. We solved this problem by building the panels upright.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

The installation of our lunar camp will take place in two stages.Above the floor and below the floor.First,it will start from under the ground.After the bottom of the floor is installed,the installation of the top of the floor will be started.The environment of the astronauts’habitat will be covered with a substance called cubic boron nitride against the meteor hazard.We will also use the matter on the surface of the moon to protect astronauts from radiation while in rooms.Of course,in order to use the matter on the surface of the moon,we have to build the rooms under the floor.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water by using ice from the lunar glaciers, after melting the ice, we will pass through certain filtering processes and make it suitable. In this way, we will be able to meet the needs of astronauts and, if necessary , be used in water exploration processes, even if there is too much ice, so water is important, so we will be able to filter and reuse it after use.

We would produce our nutrients in the aeroponic farm, even if we can only produce certain vegetables for now, we will be able to increase the production variety thanks to the necessary gene crossings, and we will increase the growth rate of the plants by using purple light, thus reducing the cost and ensuring that astronauts are fed with different foods.

We will get electricity thanks to our solar panels, but since there is sun at the moon poles for a certain period of time, we have established a small nuclear energy place next to it, and if these are insufficient, we will produce energy with hydrogen formed by the hydrolysis we apply to water.

After applying hydrolysis to H2O, we will use the oxygen we obtain, but since this oxygen is pure, it can cause great damage to the lungs, so we obtain nitrogen from decomposed plants and mix it into the inhaled air, thus preventing it from damaging the lungs, thus creating moisture and protecting the lungs.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Astronauts wake up in the morning. Washing their faces in the morning, etc. There are 1 hours for jobs. After completing these tasks, they eat their meals , do morning sports, and stretch. The two astronauts work by sharing the tasks assigned to them. According to this task sharing, an astronaut will make an expedition on the moon . The other astronaut will investigate and report this expedition. They can do these tasks in two time periods, morning and evening. Now it is up to them to do it in what time period. The astronaut, who does his duty in the morning, eats after the job is finished and then goes to the relaxation room. They can watch movies, read a book, talk to their family, play games in the relaxation room… After leaving the relax room, they eat. The next 1 hour is free time. After that, he retires to his room to sleep. The astronaut, who does his duty in the evening, goes to the relaxation room after doing the morning sports and stretching movements. There he can read books, watch movies …

He eats after leaving the relax room. It does its duty after the meal. He eats after his mission is over. The next 1 hour is free time. He then retires to his room to rest. In general, during these 1-hour times, astronauts use chess etc. plays games.

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