
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Rainhas da Lua

Externato Marcelino Champagnat  Lisboa    Portugal 11

External link for 3d

Project description

Our Moon camp will consist of a lunar shelter, divided into different areas according to the human needs. The camp will receive energy from energy guards (solar batteries) at the lunar poles. For the rocket launch we will use light centrifugal pumps to pump the propellant from the tanks into the combustion chamber. On the first travel, our rocket will take us, some foods in vacuum and a 3D printer to the Moon. The camp is going to be built with the 3D printer. It will be divided into bedrooms and WC; water purification and laboratory; canteen and kitchen; vegetable garden.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

Our camp will be solar powered. As a day in the Moon lasts two weeks, as much as a night, an issue was brought up: how to gather energy with no sun. To solve it, we opted to build our camp in the poles, the lunar areas where the sun exposure is maximum.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

To build our Moon Camp we will use a 3D printer, able to print with several building materials such as regolith and steel.The 3D printer will be brought to the Moon in parts and then assemble. We will divide the camp into several areas: WC and bedrooms; food and vegetable storage, rooms and wc, a canteen and kitchen; toilets connected to a water purification laboratory. All the areas will be connected through corridors and printed by this order.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

In our lunar field we will purify the urine so that we have drinking water to wash food, drink, etc. The purification process will be done in a laboratory where we will divide the purified urine into hydrogen and oxygen and after dividing it, we will have it ready. As a second option in case we don’t get enough water, we can go to the mines where we will find another solution to get water through pieces of lunar soil.

Food will consist of spirulina: an edible seaweed that produces high amounts of oxygen. We will also have a garden and vacuum food storage.

In order to have energy as we will live in the lunar poles and we will have solar panels since the poles always receive the sunlight. We will also have an energy guard (battery) for days of lunar eclipses.

We will have several options such as heating the soil of the moon; spirulina a plant that produces oxygen and purifies urine in water and air. In the process of planting spirulina we will have two isolated greenhouses where 8 m2 per person will be planted.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The astronauts wake up and have a breakfast made up of spirulina and other vacuum foods or fresh ones from the garden. Then they will go to work on the water purification laboratory to ensure they have water for the whole week. Then the astronauts will leave the camp to collect meteorites and lunar soil samples. This samples will be taken to the laboratory to be studied. After, they will return to the camp to have lunch at the canteen. When finished, they will return to the laboratory. They will work on the separation of hydrogen and oxygen from water to produce energy and breathable air. At the end of the day, the astronauts will have dinner, go to their rooms and sleep.

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