
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: The Comets

John A. Sutter Middle School  Winnetka    United States 14

External link for 3d

Project description

Our moon base is designed for four astronauts. It’s designed for our astronauts to feel safe and protected during the many months they stay there. We will use regolith, ice water and solar energy to provide energy, water and air for the astronauts. We will protect the astronauts from meteorites and radiation by covering the base with a thick layer of regolith.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

We are going to build our moon camp close to the Lunar South Pole. We chose to build it there because it is a great location to do research. In the South Pole there is a crater named “ Aitkens Basin”, it’s known to be the biggest crater in the solar system. There are also cold traps, which is ice formed from a long time ago that can tell us how Earth was formed. The South Pole has constant sunlight ( 50 Celsius – 0 Celsius) as well, which is another great reason to build there! 

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

For our moon camp we plan to use 3D printed moon regolith for the outside wall. Which will be built by rovers that uses heated moon regolith converted into bricks before the astronauts arrive on the moon. The interior will be inflatable living modules bright from Earth. Astronauts will travel from rooms to labs through inflatable tubes that are connected to each other. The living modules will also be covered with heated moon regolith converted into bricks. Our greenhouse will be air inflated as well and double – polyethylene covered. 

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We produce water by melting ice located in crater of the south pole. Rovers will extract the ice water, melt it and transport it to a processing station where it will be filtered and processed to use for drinking, air and energy.

Our plan is to produce food hydroponically in a sheltered greenhouse, lit by red and white leds. Hydroponically means no soil is used, just nutrient – enriched fluid. Plants being under LED lights and grown in water makes it possible to alter the vitamin and the mineral composition. We will plant potatoes, kale, beets, lettuce, and algae. Why these specific plants you may ask. Well all of the plants grow fast and in low temperatures. Growing these plants would not only provide food, but oxygen too. Plants recycle waste and turn carbon dioxide into oxygen which is a necessity for the everyday life of our Astronaut.

We will produce electricity using solar panels. We will also use water from ice water in the poles to get water from fuel cells. We will also have batteries for

We will get oxygen by electrolyzing water so it turns into oxygen and hydrogen. We will also get extract oxygen from regolith.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The astronauts day is like ours except they have no gravity. They go to the bathroom in the morning, eat breakfast and then exercise. They need to do lots of exercise because there is almost no gravity on the moon. After exercising they get to work. They check to make sure everything is working correctly. They then work on experiments until lunch. After lunch they order rovers to pick up more sample outside. After dinner they brush their teeth and go to sleep.

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