
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Lunar-Campers

6 dimotiko scholeio Aigiou / 4 gymnasio Aigiou / 10 dimotiko scholeio Peristeriou  Aigio    Greece 12, 14, 11

External link for 3d

Project description

Deploying a lunar base is a hard task that cannot be done in a short time. It needs many missions to the Moon before human could be settled there. Our main idea is that after 8-10 missions we have transferred all the absolutely necessary materials, including those needed to construct a huge 3D-printer. A 3D-printer that can use materials from the Moon surface as filament. So, the astronauts who will build the camp will use their spacecraft as home for the first days and with hard work they will construct the buildings.

After a sort period the base will look like our 3D-design:

– Two twin oval buildings with three flours. There are bedrooms, computers, laboratory, kitchen, living room, gym, garden and animals [the only place with air – astronauts don`t have to wear their suits]

– Photovoltaic panels with batteries [to produce energy for everything]

– Giant antennas for radio-communication [with Earth or other human bases and to receive waves from space without harassment by the atmosphere of Earth]

– 3D printer [to construct the camp]

– Vehicles [two vehicles with solar panels to explore nearby areas]

– Water organic cleaning [every single drop of water must be recycled. The minted ice-water also has to get cleaned]

– Organic waste [to handle trash and to produce methane]

– Telescopes [amateurish ones]

– Seismograph [for scientific experiments]

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

There are many reasons for our selection:

A] there is almost always sun so we can easily collect power with photovoltaic panels without need to store huge amount.  So we will have energy and we can grow our vegetables with natural light

B] conditions are less extreme than other places

C] there is water caged below the surface of poles, water that we will mind to cater human activities

D] it is the place with the best view! Every place on Moon has view ether to Earth (near side) or to outer space (far side). Only here astronauts can choose!

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

Obviously we have to bring many things from Earth. So, there will be more than one missions to bring materials. But it would be almost impossible to bring everything! So, many-many things will be made on Moon with materials that can be found on Moon. A solution can be given by 3D-printing! We will bring the materials to construct a giant 3D-printer which will use Moon rocks and dust as filament.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

A camp needs a remarkable amount of water. The most of it will be drilled (we know that there is water in icy form underground the poles). Of course it will be very challenging so we have to have much water carried from Earth initially. But we will not let a single drop go to waste. We will use dehumidifiers in the buildings to collect the humidity made by human breath. We will use organic cleaning for the water used in the bathroom.

We intend to make a kitchen garden with many vegetables that can be planted in moon`s difficult conditions (like potatoes and cabbages). Also we will grow fish in aquariums. Additionally we plan to settle a place for poultry (like hens and grouses). This will provide us with eggs and meet from time to time. Growing animals will also help in doing some scientific experiments.
Of course our astronauts will love the delicacies from Earth every time a spaceship arrives!

One of the main reasons we chose the pole as the camp area is because of the existence of sun light always. So the main power supply will be the sun. We will use photovoltaic panels to collect power and store it in huge batteries. We need batteries because solar eclipses are usual and our base needs to be equipped with energy every single second.
An additional source of power will be composed by the organic waste (like CH4 to be used in spaceships)

Initially the oxygen for the needed air will be produced by electrolysis. Electrolysis is rather a simple way to disintegrate water into oxygen and hydrogen. A second way that will help us gradually to create oxygen is by photosynthesis. The plants we grow will transform the carbon dioxide human produces to oxygen

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

A day on the moon may seems to be fascinated but it`s also very demanding. After a seven-hour ‘night’ sleep our astronaut has to wake up. He/she will spend his/her first hour doing the daily routine (goes to bathroom, brushes teeth, weights himself/herself, eats breakfast, checks emails/messages/social media)

After that he/she has to exercise himself/herself. Gravity in moon is 6 times less than Earth so astronauts have to exercise a lot.

Then he/she will spend 4-5 hours doing the daily tasks. Probably it will involve some experiments and some scientific measurements.

Additionally he/she will go outside of the buildings for about a couple of hours in order to help in the construction of new infrastructures. Our camp is not completed yet. We want to expand it so as to be capable in the near future to host dozens of scientists of various fields. The main tasks will be performed by robots, but our astronaut has to check that everything goes well.

When he/she returns, it`s time for lunch, shower and rest (3 hours).

Later he will take care of the kitchen garden and the animals (2 hours).

Today is the turn of our astronaut to cook for the next day, so will spend 2 hours in the kitchen.

In the evening all astronauts will dinner together, talk and relax.

Before going to bed, he/she will go for a small walk outside, to feed his/her soul with the majesty of the universe!

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