
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: TEF space bug

Liaoyuan Bilingual School  Shanghai    China 10

External link for 3d

Project description

Our moon camp locates in the lunar south pole at 89 degrees south latitude with constant sunlight. So it will be a good spot to collect sunlight and support the camp with solar energy. In addition, according to the results of existing research and exploration, it has been proved that there is water ice in the two poles of the moon. We chose to build a base here because water can provide basic human life activities. For example, oxygen can be extracted from the water, One of the fuels for rocket launch, hydrogen, can be obtained from the composition of water.


Our camp can contain 4 astronauts. The shape of our moon camp is a bug. A bug is a life, so it has a head, a body with heart and many legs. It is not just because the team likes cute bugs very much, but also we believe that we can use the special shape to organize the camp well. We also use many hexagons for the camp, because we learned that from space agencies like ESA and NASA. The scientists says the honeycomb structure is the best way to have the largest area but cost less materials.


On the ground, we have control center, assembly hall, power cabins, clinic, living area, TV room, kitchen, bedroom, fitness room, wash rooms, meditation room, pressure rooms, farmlab, ice collectors, dust collectors, and moon rovers. Our base also includes the part of the underground lava tube. According to existing research, the second phase of human lunar landing base will be built in this part.Underground, we have waste disposal, ice storage.


Therefore, in the base we built, the four astronauts do not have to worry about the safety issues. The radiation from solar storms will be shielded by the magnetic field. Although small meteorites that occasionally appear are not resolved like the Earth’s atmosphere, they will be smashed by turrets near our base. Secondly, they don’t have to worry about basic needs. We have facilities for obtaining water, oxygen, and food. We even prepared the gym to help them face the problem of muscle atrophy caused by weightlessness in space.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

Space agencies like ESA and NASA, and countries like China and India, they all choose lunar south pole as their next sites. At 89 degrees south latitude, lunar south pole may has more than 180 consecutive days of light. It will be a good spot to collect sunlight and also easy to acquire ice for water storage.


At lunar south pole, we can make a long-term and stable observation of the earth, and we should also mine rare minerals like H3 there. Or, we could just use it as a springboard to go further into the deep space.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

Because building a building on the moon is a very big project, it cannot be done only by relying on the resources carried from the earth. Therefore, our materials must be from the moon locally. We intend to bring light Carbon Nanotube from the earth and use them to build a frame for our base, and then fill them with lunar soil. Of course, this process is not finished by people. There are only four astronauts They may be scientists and astronauts who are not good at building houses. However, they will carry 3D printed robots to help them.



Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We built the base near the poles in order to get water resources easily. Studies have shown that there is a few ice at the poles of the moon, so the ice can be used to obtain water. However, the low pressure of the moon may cause the extracted water to sublimate directly. We pressurized and filtered our water to turn it into usable water. Then we also have a recycling system that reuses the water we have used. The idea comes from the secondary use of water by the astronauts of the space station, because the water resources in space are quite precious.

In the short term, even if astronauts want to eat on the moon, they still have to wait for the food to mature. Therefore, at the beginning they can only eat some compressed, canned food. With the completion of the base, they will begin to grow some plants. However, even if they grow food, some nutrients are not available. For example, for meat, raising livestock on the moon is a luxury. So astronauts need to use plant protein, such as bean sprouts, to get protein intake. The method of planting can choose to use lunar soil for planting, or adopt one of the more mature planting techniques that have been on the earth -vertical farming. In this way can they eat a wider variety of foods.

Our energy is mainly derived from solar energy, drawn by solar panels. But the moon has 14 days and 14 nights equivalent to the earth, so the day’s sunlight cannot always be used to provide long-term heat and electricity. Therefore lithium batteries are needed for storage. The work that convert solar energy into electrical energy and storeit in a lithium battery to provide energy for 14 days and nights is cruicial since astronauts rely on electricity to sustain their daily life. In addition, we have inquired that there are abundant helium resources on the moon, so in the long run, the energy source on the moon can also be nuclear energy that can be produced by this element. We may add a nuclear power plant later.

As we mentioned before, one of the sources of oxygen can be water, which is why we built our base at the poles. Therefore, we designed an ice collection truck(ice collector) similar in shape to our base to help us collect water resources. In addition, studies have shown that the dust on the moon is rich in a large amount of the element of oxygen, and it can be converted into oxygen, and even a large amount of oxygen for human breathing. Therefore, we also designed a dust truck(dust collector) to collect the moon dust and convert it into oxygen for human breathing.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

In the morning, astronauts will wash themselves after getting up They will use filtered and pressurized lunar water. Then they will go to the restaurant for breakfast. Unlike the earth, they can’t drink the milk like on the earth. Instead, they may be squeezed from legumes to plant protein drinks, such as soy milk. After breakfast, 1-2 astronauts will go to the control center to prepare, such as turning on the power of all studios. This is very important for the crops in the greenhouse, because if it is night on the moon, the sunlight cycle on the earth cannot be realized for these plants. Therefore, it is necessary to use the light source in the plant greenhouse to provide photosynthesis to the plants. In addition, they need to communicate with the earth. Finally, they have to start ice collector and dust collecior to check whether the related equipment is still working. The remaining staff may go to the laboratory, and turn on the research equipment for daily work. At noon, they will go to the restaurant or eat some light meals at their work place, and then continue to work. Towards the end of the afternoon, they will go to the leisure area to do some of their own things, for example, they can go to ktv to relax and sing, or go to the gym to exercise. Then at night they need to send related information back to Earth and finish the day’s work. Before going to bed, in order to save energy, they need to check and close all facilities, they will only leave breathing equipment or a small part of lighting facilities. Finally they will returned to the bedroom to rest.

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