
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: BrilliantMoon Team- Colombia

MyRoboTech  Tulua    Colombia 14, 13, 12, 10, 11   6 / 1

External link for 3d

Project description

Equipped with strategic, spacious buildings, many of them even underground, our project channels the Earth’s own organization and invention with special dyes that a proper lunar camp must have. We need only look at our intelligent cars, facilities similar to terrestrial companies, or the incredible escapes embedded under the lunar soil as a contiguous room to the one visible on its surface. 

At each corner of the site there are containers with compressed oxygen in them, and they can be modified and converted into safety and warning devices. We may not have satellites, but we make up for their lack with our landers, which prove to be equally or better suited to the task: moved a considerable distance away, they can be equipped with elements for communication by means of waves.

The composition of the dome complex is both simple and practical. We have not really occupied them to be the resting place for the astronauts and companions, but to be the main sanctuary that gathers all the possible plantations in the camp. It is also distributed: in already grown trees, shelves with small plants and a free space of fertile soil brought directly from the ground for experimentation with new seeds chemically modified to make them resistant to any climate.   We take very much into account the places where we share with other companions because human beings are sociable and need each other.  That’s why you find such unusual areas on the moon as a coffee shop.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

Why did you choose this location?

Much of our camp is not located on the surface of the lunar soil, but a few meters below the level of the normal regolith, so that the sun does not reach the crops so easily and represents a harm rather than a benefit. 

We have placed horizontally a row supporting the solar energy that shines with splendor at the ends. They are quite large and have been methodically placed opposite the place where our water supply is located, a deliberate decision that seeks to remove any secondary radiation from the liquid we will all be consuming.

How do you plan to build your Mooncamp? Which materials will you use?

We rely on robust materials, but at the same time we want a modern and not rudimentary finish. Of course, these elements must also protect us even if particular structures are planned with them, or with more than one floor, whether elevated or subway. Colors and transparencies predominate without making them any less weak to a piece of concrete. We would even like to invent new materials to fulfill these ideas, maybe the Moon has them and it is just a matter of digging a little, because gold, aluminum, silver and iron are not foreign metals to its composition.


As we have already advanced a process by opening the field between the lunar soil, the regolith layer and the stone, it becomes less difficult to make it subject to change. The ideal is to start with the settlement of the crops because, after us, it is the place that demands the most water and where it should arrive first.

Extraction can then become a problem if we consider opening the rock at the same place where these plants are found, but it is only a matter of being careful with the rovers and the magnitude of force applied so as not to cause deep sutures.

This is where our four domes dedicated exclusively to feeding everyone shine. It is true, not every tree within them can be consumed and be killed as food, however most have been planted for this purpose, not excluding that of its natural mechanism that provides us with oxygen. Then, those plants that are edible plants head towards the common cafeteria and, as we said a few paragraphs ago, we set aside a specific place to cultivate the plants that are not edible at the moment because they are being tested or subjected to experimentation. We do not intend to forget any of them as they are not very varied.

We use mining to cover the lack of electricity on the Moon, so important in all our procedures. The fact is that we are lucky that even if it does not exist, metals do, so whoever claimed to evidence only one way of obtaining energy did not know the wonders that zinc and manganese can do in the form of batteries. But don’t be alarmed to read all this and not find a single drill in the camp, our rovers have one in different compartments that can be reached or not in sight. Too far-fetched, isn’t it?

Sometimes a good knowledge of botany and agriculture can give us a break, literally. The pipettes containing the oxygen desired by the camp start from the domes and undergo various modifications just to become encapsulated. It is not an easy job. The advantage here is that there is only one place that urgently needs this resource, however it becomes contradictory when we turn to see that its consumption is quite high.

Our other solution relies on pre-programmed, space-released landers that trace a direct path to the ground in search of the resource

It would be an exaggeration to say that it is a camp full of rovers with dangerous and deadly defense mechanisms, but curiously so. The good news is that they have been designed only against natural hazards such as large craters and meteorites that are difficult to avoid. In case of emergencies, the containers at either end of the site will also be activated, connected together to create a kind of fence capable of repelling land storms from the great storms on either side of the Moon. We must not forget the cargo trolleys, capable of carrying and transporting any item.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

I woke up at dawn in Camp Athens, got out of my bed, pressed the button and put it away. It was about 6:00 AM. I got up early because of the excitement; I headed to the bathroom, I did my needs, I took a bath and put on my clothes. I go to the kitchen and prepare myself some breakfast to leave the moon station to watch the mission, very excited to learn about it. I go up to the garage and head out with one of the trojan carts to collect samples and then head to the greenhouse to take care of the plants and get some exercise at the same time. I stay for a while in the natural part because I like it very much, but then I go towards the observatory to see the planets and study everything about them. 

I also go to the poles with the help of Medus and Troya to collect water and samples, as well as taking the opportunity to go for a ride in my rover. After finishing my work I head to the lunar control center where I talk to the control center on earth and tell them about my day and send them evidence from the lab where I had analyzed the samples I turn to the clock and it’s 8 pm, time to go home, play chess with my classmates, have fun, play soccer or basketball for a while. My eyes feel heavy, I have a light dinner and get ready to sleep and start a new adventure the next day.

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