
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Palladio Moon Explorers

Palladio School  Athens    Greece 10   4 / 3

External link for 3d

Project description

Our base can host 3 astronauts for 6 months and was designed to provide the necessary Life Support Systems, security and protection for the astronauts in the adverse environment of the Moon. There has been an effort to make our lunar base as sufficient as possible. However, several of the materials which will be used for the first part of the construction have to be transferred from Earth. Our aim is to help the astronauts explore the surface and the subsoil of the Moon for microorganisms and help them develop new technologies which will assist them in future space explorations.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

Why did you choose this location?

We choose this location on the surface of the moon because the sun provide these locations with constant light energy essential for our photovoltaic panels to operate. In addition near the lunar poles we can find reservoirs with icy water essential for the astronauts to survive in the harsh environment of the lunar surface.

How do you plan to build your Mooncamp? Which materials will you use?

We have chosen our base to be built with materials that we will transfer from Earth and with local materials from the moon. The main structure of our mooncamp will construct with lightweight metal such as aluminum or titanium. For the outer walls of the base we will use two layers of polyethylane material with a thick layer of lunar regolith between them. For the outer parts of our base we will use the lunar regolith 3d printing technology so to reduse the cost of material transport from the Earth.


The necessary water for the function of the base will be found in the underground ice-water reservoir. The drill will take ice pieces from the surface. Then the ice will melt so as to become liquid. After that, the water will be filtered so as to be safely used by the astronauts.

In our lunar base we have designed two places for food production. A greenhouse on the surface where fruit and vegetables will be produced for the astronauts and an aquarium system in the inner place of the base for fish production in the base. The outdoor greenhouse is constructed by nanomaterial which can regulate the light absorption so as to facilitate the day night – cycle of light.

In order to cover the energy needs of our base we use photovoltaic panels which convert the solar energy into electricity. We choose this source of energy due to constant light on locations near the poles of the moon. Moreover the photovoltaic technology is a well tested technology and very cheap for space applications.

The oxygen which will be taken from the plants cultivated will be used for oxygen production. Also in the inner aquarium system which our base has, fish will be breed. Moreover, oxygen will be produced through an electrolysis system which will be delivered in our base in near future mission.

To protect the astronauts from the harmful radiation on the lunar surface we choose to build our lunar base almost underground. All living facilities are underground except for the entertainment room because we wanted a clear view of the sky , the emergency room, and the greenhouse.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The base mechanic and the other astronauts get up at 7.30 (GMT). He has his breakfast in the kitchen for an hour. Then he heads towards control room in order to be informed that all the systems function well. Then he practices for an hour in the base gym so as to keep his muscles healthy due to lack of gravity. Then he works in his lab or in the workplace with the other astronauts. At 13.00 he has an hour break for lunch. Then he supervises the function of  the photovoltaic panels and the other systems of the base. Along with the Geologist they take the vehicle and collect samples from the Moon’s surface. As soon as they return, he goes to the greenhouse to make sure that all the systems work perfectly well. It is 17.00 and the mechanic is in the control room where he communicates with the earth to organize the next manned mission from the Earth. At 19.00 the mechanic is practicing for an hour in the gym and then he goes to the kitchen to prepare his dinner. It is 20.30 so the mechanic goes to the entertainment room to relax and read a book or communicate with his beloved people on Earth. At 22.00 the mechanic is in his room and gets ready to go to bed.

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