Mēness nometnes projekts Galerija 2023-2024 

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Moon Camp by ThinkCreative kids 1.0

ThinkCreative Hub Izglītības  Bucharest-Bucharest    Rumānija 6 gadus veci un jaunāki   16 / 7 Angļu valodā Mēness

Projekta apraksts

Our project was based on a previous research: kids used the ESA materials  in order to find out how are the conditions on Moon. They tried to fulfill people’s needs considering the environment – lack of atmosphere, the regolith, lack of liquid water. First, kids built some 3D cuboids in order to have an appropriate housing environment – the shelters. They also design some means of transportation – rovers and spaceships. Their favourite part was decorating the cardboard with elements from the Universe: planets, meteorites, stars and galaxies.

For the project we used: cardboard, paper, crayons, markers, scissors and glue stick.

We invite you to the Moon, our friends! 🙂

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#Māksla un amatniecība

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