
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Shakleton

LML  LUXEMBOURG    Luxembourg 19

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Project description

The moon base will give many opportunities for further space exploration. On the one hand, it can serve as a kind of stopover to Mars in a few years, but it can also be used to explore the moon itself much better and perhaps even find water. Either way, this lunar base wiouill contribute a great deal to research. This base was not only designed this way, because it is so pretty, but also to make the work of the astronauts easier and to make life on the moon as comfortable as possible. Each room has a specific function, such as the laboratory, the telescom room and also the gym, for example.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We came to the conclusion that the edge of the lunar crater Shakleton, which is located on the south pole of the moon, would be ideal for the construction of the lunar base, because on the one hand these heights are almost permanently reached by sunlight, which is why selnographers also call them “mountains of eternal light”, and thus one can easily supply the base with energy. But another aspect why we chose this place was that the South Pole is more hilly than the North Pole, and so it is possible to enlarge the lunar base, if necessary, by constructing buildings on other heights and connecting them with bridges to the initial lunar base. Inside the crater there may also be water, which can be used in the moon base.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

Within the moon base you can move very fast, because pipelines lead from one center to the other and you can reach the main center only by a single pipeline. Thus one has good connections on the entire moon base. We chose the circular shape because it reminds us a bit of the moon. Each control center and pipeline is covered with solar cells, which not only supply the base with energy, but also protect the astronauts from radiation. Water is also stored in the walls, which means that the astronauts have water everywhere, but it also protects them from radiation. The building material comes at the beginning still from the earth, but the idea is that one explores the moon dust still further and perhaps even on the moon only with this builds, so that one is less to hardly more dependent on the earth. The interior design should be conceived by an interior designer, so that the astronauts, although they are far away from their family and friends, at least feel something like home and comfortable. For example, there should be green algae hanging on all the walls, which are not very stylish, but at least bring some green to the moon. We have chosen this plant, because it can provide the environment with additional oxygen and even serve as a source of food if necessary.

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

Moon Camp will protect them. (maximum 150 words per question)

The lunar base plays it safe and uses several techniques to protect the astronauts from the dangerous environment on the moon. Firstly, the walls will be made of the same material as those of a spaceship, only they will be thicker, as cosmic radiation still penetrates the walls of spaceships. This can be done without any problems in the case of the moon base, since the

additional weight, in contrast to the spaceship, does not matter. But this is not the only protection. The walls of the lunar base provide additional protection, as does the water in them. We protect the

astronauts so much, because the moon base is designed so that the astronauts can stay there for a longer time without fearing such serious consequences as cancer.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Initially, water will be fetched from the earth, but as soon as the research is ready and the assumption is confirmed that ice water can be found inside the crater, it will be used. This is to be led by a special procedure (purification plant, thaw etc), then into the walls. This has the consequence that the moon base becomes ever more independent of the earth.

In the beginning, sufficient reserves are still take from the earth or are still sent in the first months to years. But it is worked on more and more that the moon base becomes more and more independent from the earth. Thus in an auxiliary center plants are cultivated, which can serve not only as research objects for the flight to Mars, but also as food for the astronauts there. The food, which cannot be produced there independently, is still sent from the earth to the moon

The lunar base will be powered by solar energy. Every single pipeline and control center is littered with photovoltaic panels that not only protect the astronauts from radiation, but also provide them with energy. That’s why we chose the South Pole (and a crater height), because it is almost always illuminated by the sun (Mountains of Eternal Light).

A life support system will be installed in the lunar base, which will provide oxygen to the astronauts. But there will also be some oxygen stored in an auxiliary center as an emergency reserve, so that if the life support system should ever fail, you can fall back on it. The green algae present in each individual room will also supply the environment with some oxygen.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

The main goal of this lunar base is to advance research. Especially a preparation for the Mars expedition. Also one could investigate on the moon base much in the direction of the anti-gravity, which would facilitate a journey to Mars and the survival on it for the astronauts, since they get used already on the moon somewhat to the gravity on Mars, since one can produce in a secondary center by a rotating reference system a similar gravity as on Mars, but also one can produce then on Mars a somewhat earth-similar gravity in some areas or also in the space station. With the help of such researches on the moon base (test for being independent in the space of the earth, research of the anti-gravitation and better radiation protection) one can explore and get to know the space still much better and the Mars expedition is perhaps only the beginning of something very much bigger. Who knows, perhaps one finds even life in the universe.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

The astronauts all have a set daily routine, which helps to give them a routine, since they have been taken out of their usual routine on Earth and this is supposed to make their daily routine easier. After getting up, they have a nutritious breakfast. After that, it’s off to work. What this work is depends from astronaut to astronaut. Some take a cart ride on the moon to a site and maybe take a few samples, others work in the lab, and others work in the botany center. Others take care of household tasks, like doing laundry or dishes. Who does these tasks is always on a schedule, so someone else always has to do them and they are divided fairly. The other tasks (taking care of the plants, lab work, etc) are assigned to those astronauts who can do them best. So the astronauts who once studied engineering tend to work in the engineering room and biologists with the plants, for example. The astronauts then all meet again for lunch. They all see each other at every meal, which is important because they see far fewer people than usual on the moon base, and especially not their loved ones, and this is to give them a sense of belonging and prevent them from feeling completely alone. After lunch, they get back to their

respective jobs. In the afternoon, however, at 5:30 p.m. at the latest, each individual puts them down again. From then on, everyone can recover from the day, do the prescribed sports tasks in the sports room, talk to their loved ones, or just relax with a book, to name just a few of the possible activities. After dinner, you can still do some activities together in the common room, such as watching a movie or playing board games. No one is forced to stay there after dinner, but it is recommended because,

as we said, on the moon you already have fewer contacts and especially your family and friends are not with you. Of course, the astronauts can not replace them, but help with loneliness. After that, everyone goes to bed so that they can get nine hours of sleep. Once a week, everyone also has a medical and psychological checkup to prevent illnesses and to avoid putting others in danger if one is not feeling well.

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