
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Mercury

Middle school affiliated to Zhengzhou University of light industry  郑州    China 19

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Project description

The camp we built is suitable for living and traveling. The whole camp is built in a cave, with greenhouses built on the surface for planting plants, providing part of the oxygen and providing the camp ornamental. The camp also needs electrolyzers, fuel cells and energy storage equipment, high-temperature decomposition of metal compounds from lunar soil, and electrolysis of water to obtain most of the oxygen.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Because the surface of the moon is not protected by the atmosphere, it will be subject to high-intensity cosmic radiation and meteorite threat. The lunar camp has to adapt to the environment. It can be built in the local underground caves of the moon. These caves are hard in structure, well sealed, and can withstand certain meteorites. The temperature difference is not as big as the surface of the moon.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

We plan to build a camp mainly for tourism. In terms of technology and power generation, we use solar panels and a light nuclear fission generator to provide safe and reliable power and materials for stripping glass and steel frame structure, will pay attention to the appearance of the camp ornamental.

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

Our team believes that there are three main threats that astronauts will face on the moon: first, high-energy radiation. Some radiation will penetrate astronauts’ skin, increase their risk of cancer, and may also cause astronauts to suffer from cataracts. The way we can solve this problem is to use special anti radiation materials when building bases. 1. For example, bricks made from surface rock cuttings and organic wastes combined with fungi. The second is weightlessness. The gravity of the moon is 1 / 6 that of the earth. We will use magnets and other materials to make special ground and shoes so that astronauts can walk safely in the base. The third is temperature. In the face of extreme weather on the moon, we will adopt a temperature control system to ensure that the temperature of the lunar base meets the appropriate state of human beings.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water: because there are most soldiers in the north and south poles of the moon, we plan to use the specular sunlight to melt the ice into water, and then transport it to the base through pipelines for purification, and then supply it to the astronauts.

Food: there are two ways to supply food. One is to transport part of the food from the earth. The other is to cultivate crops in the botanical garden of the moon base, and then process them in the base to produce food. Cabbage and potatoes are hydroponically cultured in a closed greenhouse with light.

Energy: the moon contains a lot of helium, which is a clean nuclear fusion fuel and can solve the problem of CO heating power generation. At the same time, the moon also has solar energy and can provide part of the power.

Air: after the moon’s ice melts into water, oxygen can be obtained by electrolyzing the water. At the same time, there is a botanical garden in the base, which can get part of the oxygen through photosynthesis of plants, and the oxygen can also be released by heating the surface debris.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

First of all, going to the moon can satisfy the curiosity of some space enthusiasts. It can make people observe the familiar earth and moon from another angle and feel the feeling of being in the sea of stars. Second, because the gravity of the moon is smaller than that of the earth, people can experience the magic of weightless floating. Third, the environment of the moon is different from that of the earth. Plants mutate under the influence of the environment. Tourists will visit a giant plant forest, which gives people a surprising feeling.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

In the morning, the astronauts tidy up in the living area, go to the observatory to enjoy breakfast after washing, and then take a walk in the green plant hall. After a short rest, they watch the moon and the universe outside the camp, participate in some entertainment projects, such as space bungee jumping, and then return to the camp to have a good day after dinner.

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