
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Jade record

Middle school affiliated to Zhengzhou University of light industry  Zhengzhou City , Henan Province    China 18, 19

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Project description

In order to satisfy the people who are curious about space, we will build a lunar camp on the moon. We will use large rockets to transport the required building materials in batches. Finally, we will complete a four story lunar camp

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

In the north and south poles of the moon, because the north and south poles of the moon have the longest illumination in a year, we can obtain as much energy as possible, and select the area with more water in the lunar soil

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

The construction of habitat requires a lot of building materials, but it seems impossible to rely on the earth to transport to the moon, and local materials are the best choice. The researchers plan to use the lunar dust as a module that can burn, crush and compress into a solid, so everything will be solved. Researchers claim that the geological history of the moon is very similar to that of the earth. The dust on the moon’s surface is the result of multiple effects of micro meteorite impact, lunar lava flow and cosmic radiation. The outer surface material of the main structure connecting channel is graphene.

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

We will apply a layer of high concentration hydrogen material on the exterior of the building to prevent cosmic rays, block 30-35% of cosmic rays with a 5-7 cm thick protective layer, and create a 30 foot (10 meter) cosmic ray deflection force field around the spacecraft. All facilities will be equipped with constant temperature system, oxygen circulation system and gravity self distribution system.At the same time, we will equip each astronaut with several sets of new space suits for the astronauts to live in the facilities. The materials are nano materials, which can automatically adapt to different bodies, and the surface also has certain anti radiation materials

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

The sand on the moon contains a lot of oxygen. This idea (from a scientist in the United States) is to use a forklift to automatically dig the sand on the moon, select oxygen-containing iron minerals from them, and then use hydrogen to reduce oxygen-containing iron minerals to produce fresh water. With water, electricity makes water electrolysis, and oxygen and hydrogen are obtained. Oxygen can be supplied to the residents of the base at any time after liquefied storage.

Use the planting base to get the food you want

Use as many solar panels as possible to obtain solar energy, and solar energy as the main energy

With water, electricity makes water electrolysis, and oxygen and hydrogen are obtained. Oxygen can be supplied to the residents of the base at any time after liquefied storage.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

Lunar camp is mainly used for tourism, providing a platform for people who want to see space with their own eyes and feel the vastness and greatness of the universe

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

An astronaut named Jack started his day on the moon. Like every resident on the moon, the first thing to get up in the morning is to go to the medical room under the moon camp for physical examination. If there is any problem, he needs to enter the ward area. After confirming his health, he can move freely. He can take a lunar rover to explore the moon, and he can also exercise in the residential area

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