
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Beacon

Middle school affiliated to Zhengzhou University of light industry  Zhengzhou City, Henan Province    China 18

External viewer for 3d project

Project description

The moon camp is called beacon, which is mainly used for scientific exploration With the main tower as the center, there are three areas outside. The main tower controls the whole camp, which is responsible for regulating energy, water, air, etc., and is also responsible for exchanging information with the earth through relay stations to report new discoveries in time. The other three areas are as follows:

  1. Plant storehouse: it is used for plant cultivation, because there is no atmosphere on the surface of the moon, the gravity is 1 / 6 of the earth, and the radiation intensity is stronger than the earth, etc. This is of great significance to the study of plant variation, how to grow and whether it has special effects
  2. Archives: this area is mainly for the collection of experimental data, simulation of various experiments, and processing of exploration information in the depths of the universe. These will be stored in both paper and electronic forms to avoid the failure of electronic equipment
  3. Observation room: through telescope observation and computer processing, the distribution of deep space objects will be displayed in the form of VR in the observation room. Astronauts can experience the mystery and beauty of the universe. Add fun to the boring life on the moon.
Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We plan to build our lunar camp on the back of the moon, with a permanent sunlit area of caves under it.

Because the data we collected shows that the back of the moon is less disturbed by the earth’s magnetic field. And the moon should exist in a cave structure similar to the earth’s cave, if it exists, then the temperature should be about – 20 degrees below zero. Therefore, our living area built below the ground can effectively reduce the survival risk of astronauts, similar to ionizing radiation, ion storms, radiation, sudden changes in day and night temperature, and even meteorite hit. Permanent sunshine area can solve the problem of large temperature difference between day and night.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

Our lunar camp will be built from bottom to top and from outside to inside. This will greatly reduce the difficulty coefficient of construction. In the selection of materials, the main materials for external buildings will be graphite fiber epoxy resin composite to increase the stability, thermal insulation capacity and compressive strength of the building structure. The exterior of the building will be coated with aluminum film to prevent atomic oxygen erosion, and the performance of resin matrix composites will be degraded under ultraviolet, low-energy electron and proton radiation.

We put the main buildings below the ground because it can not only make the life of astronauts safer, but also make the construction process safer. Relatively suitable temperature and extremely low radiation will reduce the risk of construction. In addition, in the construction process, the external contour of the building can be constructed with the help of karst cave structure. And the main tower, it is more like a symbol, a symbol of territory, a symbol of success.

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

First of all, we put most of the area of astronauts’ activities below the lunar surface. With the protection of the lunar ground, astronauts can be protected from space radiation, the great danger of temperature difference between day and night. In addition, the damage caused by small meteorite impact will be greatly reduced. For the vacuum environment of the moon, our camp initially relies on the gas carried from the earth to maintain the air pressure, which is obtained with the reaction of water and produced by electrolysis of water. Plant photosynthesis can basically maintain the balance of carbon and oxygen.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water acquisition is mainly divided into three parts
The first is to use Sabatier reactor to make hydrogen and carbon dioxide react to produce water and methane.
The second is to use a water circulation system similar to that of the international space station to collect the water vapor exhaled by astronauts, sweat and urine. They are filtered and purified into drinking water.
The third is to use the reactor of the main tower to react a certain component of the lunar soil with the ionic wind to generate water. (currently in the theoretical stage)

Vegetarianism in food can be cultivated in the planting room of the base, so as to obtain it directly. Meat food can be brought from the earth, or the compensatory culture protein technology can be used to extract the corresponding protein from plants to synthesize meat. Thus, the basic nutrition of astronauts can be guaranteed.

Mainly through the solar photovoltaic panels to generate electricity, combined with the power system, to maintain the normal operation of the entire camp.

Through plant photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are converted into oxygen and sugar.
Among them, the inorganic salts needed for plant cultivation can be converted into mineral ions by microbial decomposition of astronauts’ excrement. Carbon dioxide produced by microbial respiration can also provide raw materials for photosynthesis of plants. Let the whole camp basically realize material circulation in the middle and later period.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

Beacon is mainly used for scientific research. Among them, there are two main directions: first, the exploration of the geological structure of the moon and the extraction and analysis of soil components. To study the evolution of the moon and the exploitation of rare metals and nuclear materials in its soil. Second, the exploration of outer space, the study of the origin and evolution of the universe. And provide powerful experimental data for human exploration of deep space.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

The astronauts wake up from their sleep in the living area and walk to the bathroom. Turn on the tap, the water is sent to the living area by pressure from the circulation area, and then stored in the circulation area again after circulation and treatment. The astronauts leisurely came to the kitchen and began to eat the food picked from the plant barn and brought from the earth.

The astronauts took the elevator from the living area to the control room of the main tower to scan and check the overall situation of the beacon base. The circulation system, energy generation and all the ball silos were normal. Then the astronauts take the elevator to the central area and enter the ball silos through the passageway.

Plant barn. In the plant warehouse, the astronauts visited the exotic mutant plants and picked the edible fruits under the guidance of the staff.

Archives Center. In the archives, the astronauts left their own names and listened to a mysterious sound that they had recently acquired from space. And according to the new photos, we discussed the newly discovered unknown stars. Finally, samples of lunar soil and space particles were taken from the archives.

Observation Room. Here, astronauts can clearly observe the movement and changes of stars and nebulae.

In the evening, the astronaut drink a glass of wine, enter the VR room to watch the bright star river ,then took a hot bath in his bedroom and fell asleep quietly.


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