
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Lacus Somniorum

郑州轻工业大学附属中学  河南省郑州市    China 18   4 / 3

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Project description

The moon camp we set up is a commercial camp. We plan to build our lunar camp in the lunar sea of the moon, because here, there are flat plains. Because titanium is too dispersed in Earth’s rock formations, it is difficult to mine and smelt, and lunar ilmenite is very high in titanium, making it less difficult to mine and smelt. In addition, titanium and its oxide and alloy products are important coatings, new structural materials, anti-corrosion materials, and are widely used in aerospace, military and press fields. We can take advantage of this to commercialize titanium.

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2.1 Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Set up a lunar camp in the lunar sea at the lunar north pole. According to research, there are large plains in the lunar sea area, which is conducive to the take-off and landing of lunar spacecraft and reduces the difficulty of base construction. At the same time, its flat terrain is also convenient for astronauts. It has also been shown to be rich in ilmenite resources in the soil of the lunar sea. We can use the collected hydrogen to reduce ilmenite, we can get titanium metal, iron metal and precious water resources. Ilmenite is also rich in oxygen, which can be obtained by calcining the ore at high temperatures.

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2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

The gravitational force of the moon is very small, so construction methods on Earth are not suitable for the moon. For setting up a camp, we can consider 3D printing technology. 3D printed robots can be launched to the moon ahead of schedule, and the construction of lunar camps can be carried out ahead of schedule. It could take advantage of the abundant silica in lunar soil, process it into fiberglass from local materials, and set up camps through 3D printing. And the strength and small mass of fiberglass could reduce the mass of a lunar camp.

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2.3 The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them. (maximum 150 words)

The entire camp is leaning towards low-potential buildings, and there is no danger of buildings tipping over when the moon vibrates. Residential areas are arched, generally not easily damaged, and have good resistance functions. The building material of the entire lunar camp is a relatively tough diamond that will not collapse easily. And when common dangers such as space debris appear, an alarm will be sent to the camp, and stealth protection systems will also be present in the camp, which will prompt astronauts to seek safety. If it is a major threat, astronauts can take a rocket to return to Earth quickly to avoid secondary damage.

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2.4 Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:


For water resources, we have relatively complete water production facilities. According to studies, the basalt of the Moon Sea is rich in ilmenite, which is the main raw material for water production. We obtain a large amount of water resources by reducing ilmenite by hydrogen. Lunar soil is rich in gas, in the lunar soil for every 1 ton of helium-3 extracted, 6300 tons of hydrogen can be obtained, through which a large amount of hydrogen can be obtained.

In our moon camp there are botanical gardens for planting .In the early stage, we use soilless cultivation to grow crops, and provide the plants with the necessary elements through nutrient water. At the same time, bacteria are used to improve the lunar soil, and after the lunar soil has the elements necessary for plant growth such as nitrogen and phosphorus, it transitions from hydroponics to large-scale lunar soil cultivation.

For energy, we take two approaches to obtaining it. The first is nuclear power generation: because it contains a large number of helium-3 resources on the moon, nuclear fusion can be carried out through deuterium and helium 3, which does not produce neutrons, so the radioactivity is small, and the reaction process is easy to control, both pollution-free and safe. So we built power plants that are used for nuclear power generation. The second is solar power, which uses solar panels to convert solar energy into electricity to provide energy for lunar camps.

We have a lunar rover that collects gas and canned gas. When we collect helium-3 through the lunar rover, we will get hydrogen, nitrogen and other by-products. At the same time, oxygen is produced by reducing ilmenite by hydrogen. After obtaining oxygen, according to the proportion of gas on the earth’s air, a similar artificial air can be created for human breathing.

2.5 Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp.

The lunar camp we have established is a lunar camp focused on commercialization. In our lunar camp, there is a complete industrial area that can crush ores, smelt and process metals. After a series of processing, the ore can be returned to Earth for sale as commodities such as medical devices. At the same time, the abundant helium-3 resources on the moon will also be sent to Earth for scientific research.

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3.1 Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

Early in the morning, astronauts wake up from their rooms, where they can brush their teeth and wash their faces. After washing, they ushered in a day’s work. Some astronauts went to the factory to control the normal operation of the machine, some went to the power station and substation to check whether the energy supply was normal, some went to the planting shed to pick ripe vegetables and fruits and sow seeds. The control lunar rover collects by-products such as helium-3. After lunch, astronauts can choose to go back to their room to take a break, or go to the recreation room to watch a movie, exercise, have a drink at the bar, and more. In the evening, the recently produced cargo and collected helium-3 were loaded onto a rocket and sent to Earth for sale. In the evening, after a tiring day of work, the astronauts can lie down on the massage chair, put on headphones and listen to music while relaxing.

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