
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: null

郑州轻工业大学附属中学  河南省郑州市    China 18   2 / 1

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Project description

We plan to build a living and working area on the moon for humanity to explore further. For the sake of crew safety and more efficient mining and resource utilization and other temperature considerations, we plan to locate the camp near Peary Crater in the Arctic. For the concrete construction of the camp, we used modular buildings. Build a good ecosystem to mine, work, produce, grow and form an excellent cycle. For example, ilmenite, C, Mg, Si and other resources are mined to produce rocket fuel and other industrial resources, which then provide energy power for mining minerals. Oxygen produced in smelting ilmenite is used for people in the working areas.

2.1 Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We found peary Crater at the North Pole to be an ideal location for water and light. To maintain unimpeded communication with the earth; Have good lighting conditions, can make full use of solar energy; To meet the need for the preparation of life-sustaining consumables such as oxygen and water; There are abundant resources around, which can meet the needs of lunar resources research and utilization; The terrain is relatively broad and flat, conducive to the takeoff and landing of the spacecraft. The polar region of the moon is under sunlight about 70% ~ 80% of the time, solar cells can provide sufficient power for the lunar base, the temperature difference in the polar region is small, and there are a lot of lunar seas in the polar region, which should be an ideal area for establishing lunar scientific research.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

The modular design features free assembly and disassembly, and most of the main structure will be constructed on Earth and transported to the lunar surface by spacecraft. Special parts could be assembled on the lunar surface, or specialized construction bases could be built on the moon when the time is right. It fits our ideal of a camp. Some of our buildings use advanced 3D printing technology because it generates parts directly from computers without mechanical processing. They can create shapes that traditional manufacturing techniques cannot; With a good design concept and process, the manufacturing process can be simplified and the adverse effects brought to us by the lunar dissimilarity can be reduced. Considering corroding buildings, the best element to protect against galactic cosmic radiation is hydrogen, which stores water in building materials. It could also be made of hydrogenated and boron nitride nanotubes, or at least lined with hydrogenated and nitride canopies that are very strong, but also contain hydrogen, which protects astronauts from radiation, and can withstand very high temperatures. And the moon’s native resources soil, rocks and so on.

2.3 The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them. (maximum 150 words)

Lunar camps can not only predict planetary trajectories in order to protect themselves in advance, but they can also predict solar surface activity (solar wind) to prevent strong radiation weather, and low radiation weather astronauts to explore warehouses.To protect astronauts from cosmic radiation and micrometeorite rain, two-stage caves are a good choice. At the same time, specially constructed passageways connect the buildings to reduce the astronauts’ direct walk on the lunar surface, and the construction materials are also selected to isolate and absorb cosmic radiation. On the moon, we chose an area where the lunar soil is more abundant. Astronauts could take advantage of nearby natural shielding materials, such as stacking lunar soil or weathered soil on top of their shelters.


2.4 Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:


Thales said: “everything is made up of water”, sufficient water is the basic condition of survival. Water exists mainly in the permanently Shadowed regions of impact craters at the moon’s poles, in the form of ice. The temperature is too cold for humans to access the water directly, and ice seeking robots need to be sent to collect the water and return to camp. The astronaut’s waste can also be centrifuged to produce potable water. Centrifugal water purification device is driven by centrifugal force, when the liquid enters from the inlet of the raw water, through the pore bowl with the filter medium to add suspension, solid particles will be intercepted on the filter medium, the liquid flows out through the filter cake layer, and finally complete the filtration operation of the filtrate and the filter cake.

The rise of soilless culture has important reference value for exploring the moon. Place soilless Spaces in well-lit areas to reduce resource consumption. The photosynthesis of plants is not to absorb all the light, and the wavelengths of blue and red light are the basic conditions for plant growth, and they are also the most efficient colors to convert electricity into light energy. Vermiculite can also be used in soil. Vermiculite has very good water absorption and water conduction in vermiculite is little affected by gravity. It has low density and light weight and is easy to carry into the sky.

The moon is rich in helium 3, which is important for the factory’s rhythm. Helium fusion, which uses deuterium and helium-3 to power nuclear power plants, produces no neutrons, is safe, pollution-free and does not emit radiation. It’s easily controlled nuclear fusion. Large solar power plants can also be built in year-round sunny areas to provide energy for living areas and other operations.

To meet the demand for air, we plan to do it mainly through water electrolysis. About half of the lunar soil is made up of oxygen-rich silicon or iron oxide. Put the soil in a furnace at 1,000 degrees Celsius and it goes straight from solid to gaseous. These gases then undergo a chemical reaction to produce water from which oxygen can be extracted. And there are three main substances left after extracting the oxygen: hydrogen and methane can be sent back to the furnace, while the metal-rich lunar dust is either left behind or further processed for other uses.

2.5 Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp.

Science as the primary goal, commerce as the secondary goal. Exploration on the moon is a very expensive and costly undertaking, with financial resources for commercial experiments and scientific guarantees for commercial activity. In the early stage of the moon camp, we mainly conduct scientific geological exploration, search for minerals, use robots and other technical means to lock the target mining area, and then carry out commercial mining, mainly develop ilmenite and other long-term business cooperation with customers on earth to form a virtuous cycle.

3.1 Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

In the morning, instead of brushing with toothbrushes and toothpaste, astronauts chew on a gum like substance to clean teeth by deposing dirt on the gum. Wash a face also need not clean water and towel, just use wet toilet paper to wipe the face, and stick this kind of wet paper on the comb comb, calculate shampoo.


In the weightless environment of space, astronauts typically experience loss of thirst, reduced water intake, loss of appetite and large amounts of leftovers, leading to weight loss and malnutrition. To cope with the condition, astronauts need to tailor their daily meals to their tastes. Because the lunar environment is different from earth’s, food needs to be sealed in flexible packaging.


A toilet in space is also a vacuum. To go to the toilet, you have to sit on a well-designed toilet. If it’s poop, instead of flushing it with water, a special pump is used to suck the poop into a plastic box. Each time, a new box is replaced, and these plastic boxes of feces are catapulted into space. If it is urine, it is pumped into a specially shaped cup and pumped through a rubber pipe into a sink under the floor. There’s a unique bath bag inside, and you can take a bath.


When exploring, astronauts wear spacesuits and carry guns in case of injury. Because there is a vacuum on the moon, astronauts need to wear wireless phones to stay in touch with their teammates. At the same time, astronauts need to overcome the body’s strain response to the environment, as well as accidental injuries, and even face the risk of not returning to Earth, wandering in outer space.


Sometimes astronauts can communicate with Earth by radio, sharing their lives and relieving their loneliness.

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