
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Triumphant Taikonaut


External viewer for 3d project

Project description

Humans looked at the moon for thousands of years and finally landed on it on July 20, 1969. Landing on the moon is not the ultimate goal of mankind, and exploration is never ending. The next step is to set up a temporary camp on the moon for further exploration. The lunar camp established by our team will carry out exploration and preliminary mining of mineral resources in parts of the lunar surface. The camp has four parts: a water ice development facility, an electrolysis plant, a residential area, and a solar array. The four sections communicate via lasers, transport items via electromagnetic catapults, and are powered by solar cells that convert light energy into microwaves.

2.1 Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We plan to set up a lunar camp in the permanent day zone of Shackleton Crater on the moon’s South Pole. The craters’ peaks have near-constant sun exposure, so building solar cells to track the sun could provide near-unlimited energy to power bases and electrolytic factories. In addition, there are water ice resources in the shadow of the crater, and water, oxygen and hydrogen resources can be obtained by building a water ice development plant there. Water and oxygen can be used by astronauts, and hydrogen and oxygen can be used as rocket fuel. Hydrogen can also be used to reduce oxide ores. To make it easier to build, the factory and living quarters are built inside small craters.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

A rocket is used to transport the solar cell material to a nearby location before it is assembled and deployed. After power generation, microwave wireless transmission is started to power other equipment. The building’s internal modules were spliced together using automated mechanical welding of the frame and metal shell. A metre-thick loose layer of molten lunar soil was then printed on the outside of the building to keep it warm and protect against small meteorites. With enough data collected, more solar panels and automated electrolysis plants could be built to produce more products for later use.

2.3 The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them. (maximum 150 words)

The astronauts will live inside a metal flying saucer-shaped structure covered in molten lunar soil to keep warm and protect against micro-meteorites, with a metal outer wall thick enough to protect against solar and space radiation. Astronauts don’t usually have to work outside the home. They can remotely control the rover to the mission area to get samples and return them, thus minimizing the risk of astronauts encountering any dangers outside the home. When astronauts need to move outside, they can wear spacesuits to protect them safely in the vacuum and high radiation environment of the moon.

2.4 Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:


Before the astronauts arrive on the moon, the infrastructure construction on the moon surface will be completed. The Water ice mining device can mine Water from the moon, which will be transported to the residential area by electromagnetic catapults to supply the plants in the camp and the astronauts. Of course, there is a water circulation system in the living building, which can purify wastewater, recover water vapor in sweat and urine, and use water efficiently.

The moon lacks carbon, nitrogen and other trace elements, which must be carried from Earth and recycled efficiently. Seeds, fertilizer and the right amount of food will be the physical base of the camp ecosystem. The artificial light fogpics in the camp can grow potatoes, lettuce, strawberries, bell peppers and other plants to provide essential nutrients for the astronauts. Astronaut waste is treated as an inorganic and returned to the food chain as plant nutrients.

Solar arrays in the perpetual day zone are the main source of energy. Solar panels turn the sun’s energy into electricity, and microwave antennas beam electricity in the form of microwaves to distant camps, electrolysis plants, water ice development facilities, and lunar rovers. The camp’s living quarters use lithium-ion batteries to store excess electricity as a backup, in case the solar cells fail and cause a power outage.

: To simulate the composition of the atmosphere, 78 percent of the nitrogen from Earth is needed. Electrolytic plant can produce oxygen, part of the catapult transported to the residential area, to maintain a stable oxygen content. The air conditioning system can maintain the air circulation in the camp, catalyze the decomposition of harmful gases, maintain the oxygen content stable, ensure that the gas environment is suitable for living.

2.5 Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp.

In the past few decades, the moon has been found to be rich in nuclear energy and metal resources. In the future, humans will set foot on the moon to explore how to exploit these resources. The moon Camp concept model created by our team was designed to carry out preliminary exploration of mineral resources and gather data for a comprehensive mining and development system.

3.1 Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

Astronauts can work the same hours on the moon as they would on Earth, working for eight hours, resting for eight hours and eating for two hours. But in the low-gravity environment of the moon, astronauts will have to do moderate physical exercise to prevent bone and muscle degeneration. Therefore, two hours to two and a half hours of physical exercise a day is a must. The rest of the time the astronauts are free to roam the camp.

After getting up, washing and eating, the astronauts use the terminal to check the condition of the entire camp to make sure everything is working properly. Then enter the work area, analyze the samples collected, and write the sample analysis report, and report the work progress and the situation in the camp to the earth side. It is also an astronaut’s job to do various scientific experiments and observations as scheduled. At the end of the day, the astronauts are free to eat and move about. But before they go to sleep, they have to complete their daily exercise, so, about two hours after eating, the astronauts go to the gym to exercise. The gym has treadmills, bicycles, pullers and other fitness equipment. Showering after a workout is definitely a must. The astronauts will then be free to have fun according to their schedule, check camp equipment again before going to bed, and then go to bed on time.

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