
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: LunarEclipse

Baghdati Public school #2  Baghdati    Georgia 15, 14 or younger   4 / 2

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Project description

The main body of the base will be divided in four sections. First of those is bedroom, which just like resources will be enough for at least 3 astronauts. The second section is in the core of the infrastructure, food storage, and entrance, connected to observatory, from which astronomical and astrophysical research will be provided. The third section is divided into to subsections: chemical laboratory and med point. The fourth section is for plantations and gadgets that recycle wastewater. Separated from the main building, you will see power storage, where solar power, provided by solar arrays, will be stored.

2.1 Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

The best location for building the moon base, seems to be the lunar south pole, which has an enormous reserve of water ice and a relatively stable surface temperature of around 260 kelvin (-13°C). This place is arguably the most important place on moon for chemical research, because it’s near to “cold traps”, which are a possible source of water ice and other volatile deposits.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

The most economical material for building a base would be concrete. The first a layer of the building will be built via concrete taken from the Earth, and the outer the layer will be lunar concrete, which will protect interior from cosmic radiation.
The outer walls of the base will be black, in order to absorb all light and help keep the habitat relatively warm.

2.3 The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them. (maximum 150 words)

Astronauts will face three main sources of danger on the moon: radiation reduced gravity and regolith. Radiation is the most recent concern, yet reduced gravity is a well-known health hazard, too. On longer missions to the moon, astronauts will have to protect themselves from radiation exposure by covering their habitat with a thick layer of lunar concrete (lunar rock).

2.4 Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:


If the base will be used by three astronauts, and each will drink 3 liters of water daily and use 200 liters for hygiene and other purposes, in a month, they’re going to need 5.27 cubic meters of water, and considering fact that calculations are made with maximal possible numbers, base will have gadgets for recycling used water and they’re unlikely to stay there for a month, transporting water from here, isn’t going to be much of a problem.

If each of three astronauts will eat maximum amount of 3000 calories a day, in a month, they’re going to need 270 000 calories in total. To put that into perspective, that’s 675 bars of most concentrated and high-calorie chocolate. Transporting that, won’t be much of a problem. Complex of our base also contains building for plantations, so part of that 270 000 calories will be fruit and
vegetables. Part of them will grow on little amount of soil that will be taken from earth. Trying to grow plantation on moon soil is one of the main goals of chemical research, so one-half of seeds will be planted on moon soil.

The most productive way of providing moon base with electricity seems to be solar arrays, but considering the location and standpoint of the lunar south pole, from which (unlike from standpoint of Earth) sun “moves” across the horizon, not perpendicularly towards it, we’re going to need vertically deployed arrays, which should generate 10kWs per unit (35 quadratic meters).

If we will be able to harvest enough moon’s water ice and melt it, it’s going to become part of the water reserve, as well as oxygen reserve, which will be provided via electrolysis. But we’re still going to need some reserve of oxygen from earth to begin with. Hydrogen, received as a result of electrolysis, might as well be used as fuel in the future.

2.5 Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp.

The main purpose of this camp is astronomical, astrophysical and chemical research. Since there’s no atmosphere on the moon, it makes astronomical observations clearer. Having an astronomical observatory on the moon, might play the main role in observing motion of the farthest planets of solar system that don’t obey Newtonian mechanics, or they do and are being affected by gravity of something unknown, that needs to be observed. So, it’s going to enhance our awareness in terms of nature of the things, known as dark matter and dark energy. Chemical research was one of the main reasons for choosing the lunar south pole as the location of the moon base, because, as mentioned earlier, caves of this side of moon might be largest sources of water ice and other volatile deposits.
Studying these substances will play major role in developing self-sustainable bases on moon in the future.

3.1 Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

Day on the moon base starts with 20-30 minute workout and an unusual breakfast, which is small amount of high calorie, dry food. Base is shared by three astronauts: one of them has a doctorate degree in applied chemistry, other in astrophysics and the last one is engineer. Engineer is providing tech support for the researchers, he takes care of observatory with advanced technology, and he sends moon rovers to the craters, in order to take samples of moon soil, water ice and other organic material. Chemist studies the samples, tries to turn them into reliable resources and create optimal environment for plants to grow on the unusual moon soil. Astrophysicist observes the motion of farthest planets of solar system and their hardly predictable motion. His goal also is to search for yet unknown Celestial bodies of our solar system, interstellar, and if possible, intergalactic space. They can drink maximum amount of 3 liters of water per day, and eat 3000 calories, which will be divided into three or four meals, depending on their own will. Their working day is 8 hour long and to spend free time well, base will be provided by library in the main section of the building.

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