We are happy to invite you and your team to the webinar with ESA Lunar Scientist James Carpenter. During the webinar, James will take the participants on an interesting journey on various topics related to human exploration of the Moon and beyond! You will learn more about his career path and your team has the chance to ask questions or to showcase their Moon Camp design.  

Count down till the webinar


📅 Wed 12 February 2025

⌚15:30-16:30 CET

📍 Em linha

When and how to access the webinar?

You can follow the webinar with any device with internet. We recommend to use a computer of laptop to take full advantage of the Q&A functionality of the webinar. You can access the webinar 30 minutes before the start of the event via the link below.

Webinar 2024-2025 James Carpenter

The webinar is now open! Let us know from where and with how many you are joining

Nota importante: Hooray, you are about to enter the webinar! The webinar is hosted via Microsoft Teams Town Hall. You do não need a Microsoft account to enter. Upon entering you are requested to enter a guest name. We recommend you to use a nickname. During the webinar you will have the opportunity to ask questions via the Q&A section. Please do not share any sensitive information of minors in your nickname or the Q&A section. Enjoy!

About James Carpenter

James is Lead of the Lunar Science Office of the Human and Robotic Exploration Directorate at ESA. James is a physicist by training with a background in instrumentation for space astrophysics and planetary science.

Submit a question

What would your team like to ask James? This is your chance to learn more about human exploration in space or the interesting life of a scientist working at ESA. Submit your question via the link below by 5 February latest.

Showcase your project

Did your team already submit a project and would you like it to be showcased during the webinar for James Carpenter to see? Let us know via the link below by 5 February latest.

Webinar 2024-2025 Questions and Projects
If you mentor multiple teams you can also write here multiple team names or the name of your organisation instead.
Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that your question will be asked or your project will be shown due to the number of submissions.
My team wants to: