
Moon Camp Pioneers画廊2020-2021

在Moon Camp Pioneers中,每个团队的任务是使用Fusion 360三维设计一个完整的月球营地。他们还必须解释他们将如何利用当地资源,保护宇航员免受太空的危险,并描述生活和工作设施。

团队。 宇宙月

Özel Bahçeşehir Koleji Fen ve Teknoloji Lisesi  萨姆松    土耳其 14岁或以下,15岁,16岁 第二名--非ESA成员国



我们确保营地易于建造,避免过度使用材料。我们将通过将设计定位在地表下,保护宇航员免受陨石和辐射的影响。 同时,我们通过在地表放置一个火箭平台和电梯,使我们的地下营地更容易降落。有了温室区和水的转换。通过农业气培法,我们还将通过可持续地生产我们自己的食物来满足宇航员的食物需求。通过过滤月球水并使其可以饮用,我们通过使用当地资源来供应生命的一个非常重要的需求。对于太空中的宜居气氛,我们计划首先从地球上获取氮元素,然后通过水电解法生产氧气,并通过营地的通风系统将氧气输送到营地的每个部分。此外,我们还计划用安置在月球表面的太阳能电池板提供营地所需的能源,同时在燃料电池的帮助下,将水解产生的额外氢气转化为能源。我们将把营地安置在沙克尔顿环形山,因为这里的温度值比月球的其他地方更稳定,而且接受更多的阳光照射。在营地的建造阶段,我们计划用3D打印机将月球土壤转化为建筑材料,并通过我们设计的机械臂,实现安全、快速的建造过程。


We decided to build our camp Shackleton Crater in the South Pole location. First, in this region of the Moon, temperature is more stable. It will be extremely useful to provide an appropriate climate for astronauts. Second reason is that the Shackleton Crater gets sunlight nearly %80-%90 around the year. Therefore we can achieve lots of energy with our solar panels therewithal. Since the Sun’s rays almost always reach this part of the Moon, we won’t need unnecessarily large batteries to power when solar panels can’t provide electricity. As for the third reason, some studies show that there may be water in this part of the month. If it is true, we can access the camp’s needed water more easily. In Our camp design we position the room under the Moon surface to protect astronauts from radiation, possible meteor damage and in this way we can stabilize the inner temperature.









We need about %78 nitrogen, %21 oxygen and %1 other element for livable atmosphere . We will have a computer that will monitor pressure, O2, humidity and CO2 levels. We will use the water from the Moon ice to supply the required oxygen by water electrolysis . With this process, we will also obtain hydrogen gas that can be reused later in the getting energy purpose. We aim to supply the rest of the components except hydrogen from the world and then protect the cycle. Oxygen is delivered to every part of the camp through the ventilation system.




Humans have been settled to a 24-hour daily cycle through millions of years of human evolution. On the Moon, the situation is somewhat different. The sun is always up, so camp residents need to adapt to these conditions and make a well adjusted plan for daily activity for exemple sleep, research, education, and eating well balanced meal astronauts will work in shifts  because in this way they can maintain camp daily order and if they get face to face some problems they can fix the problem more easily and on time. So not all their sleeping schedules will be the same. Sleep plays a big role in human mental health and productivity throughout the day so astronauts should get their sleep at less than eight hour. When they get up and feel ready to start the day first they will do personal hygiene work for example brushing their teeth, taking shower etc. Then they will do some stretching exercises to stretch out the muscle and have a good start the day. Next they do two hours of exercise in a centripetal artificial gravity space station. This step is really important because the Moon’s environment damages astronauts’ bone and muscle health . %1-2 of bone mass can be deteriorated in just one month. We plan to feed the astronaut with %100 plant based balanced and regular diet three times a day produced by our vertical agriculture system. In this way astronauts can access local, environmentally friendly, nutritious food. Astronauts will work around 8-9 hour a day. Throughout the day, crew members carry out their work in line with their areas of expertise. In the Moon camp at least one medical specialist and mechanical engineer  must be a crew member. Because one astronaut, an infrared  medical specialist intervenes as soon as possible and a mechanical engineer is responsible for  training of the operation and regular maintenance of mechanical vehicles (water pump system etc.) . At the end of a working day astronauts have free time. They can read a (e)book, play some games, watch a movie, play instruments and talk to their family and friends. End of the day they will change shifts with their teammate and at night, they will have between 8-10 hours to rest.

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