
Hold: Nymånen

Den internationale skole i Utrecht  Utrecht    Nederlandene 12, 13   4 / 0

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Vores månelejr hedder "The New Moon", da månen ikke har nogen egentlig langsigtet base. etablere den første månelejr sådan her. Vores månebase har flere forskellige dele, som alle er forbundet med hinanden via vakuumrør til den levende hub. Alle de faciliteter, der er forbundet med den centrale levende hub, er helium 3-gastanke, parabolantenner, tvillingeobservatorier, køretøjer, vandtanke, raketramper og et laboratorium, og der er rør, der forbinder de enkelte strukturer med den levende hub. Vi har tilføjet alt dette for at hjælpe astronauterne på deres langvarige missioner. I beboelsescentret er der alt, hvad to missionsgrupper har brug for, såsom mad, en have til at dyrke maden, et køkken, toiletter, underholdning til astronauterne, en kommandocentral og et træningsrum. Alle disse områder, som er nævnt ovenfor, er nødvendige for en astronauts velbefindende. Stråling vil ikke være et problem, eftersom vi vil bruge månens Kreta for at beskytte mod den, da den kan beskytte mod de fleste af strålingens virkninger. Med alt dette taget i betragtning tror vi, at denne månelejr vil være fremtiden for de kommende missioner. 

Hvorfor vil din astronaut gerne tage til Månen og bygge en månelejr?

Our astronauts want to go to the moon because it is an excellent place for testing technologies, flying capabilities, life support systems, and exploration techniques to reduce risks and boost mission productivity. Because solar power on such a large scale would require a lot of metal, glass, and cement, scaling up enough Earth-based solar power to satisfy all of humanity’s electrical demands would be prohibitively expensive. We can also acquire Helium-3, an uncommon but abundant gas found on the Moon and could blive brugt in sophisticated nuclear fusion reactors. Helium-3 has medical applications, particularly in the diagnosis of various pulmonary diseases. The Moon is a rich location for manufacturers since it indeholder minerals and oxygen in its rocks and dust, as well as frozen water in specific locations. The Moon could serve as a training ground for colonists before they set up shop on more distant planets such as Mars.  

Hvor ønsker du at bygge din Moon Camp?


Hvorfor valgte du dette sted?

En af grundene er, at toppe på månens poler kan have konstant dagslys i modsætning til gruber, som måske slet ikke ser solen og er i permanent skygge.d. Begge ekstremer er til stede i Shackleton Crater, hvor dele af kraterranden har næsten året rundt sollys, mens kraterbunden altid er mørk. Det er også et af de eneste steder (bortset fra Nordpolen). til contain en masse vand i form af måneis, og vand er en vigtig forudsætning for mange formål i vores "New Moon Base". 

Hvordan planlægger du at bygge din Moon Camp? Beskriv, hvordan I kan bruge Månens naturressourcer, og hvilke materialer I skal medbringe fra Jorden.

Potentielle måneressourcer kan omfatte forbrugsstoffer som flygtige stoffer og mineraler samt naturlige formationer, der, når de kombineres, kan gøre månen beboelig. Vi vil også bruge månens skabe for at få metaller, som vil blive brugt til at reparere og skabe nye fartøjer, der kan hjælpe astronauterne under udforskningen. Vi kan også bruge klipperne og terrænet omkring os til at skabe beskyttelsesrum og baser for at beskytte os mod strålingen og de farlige temperaturer og terrænet på månen. Vi vil bruge månens kreta til at bygge huse og beskyttelsesrum mod disse skadelige forhold, men vi vil også have selvstændige baser til at skabe en fuldt funktionel månebase. Når vi ankommer fra Jorden, vil vi have rationer og fornødenheder, men vi vil også medbringe en boremaskine og et oppusteligt laboratorium. Vi vil også have stativer til at hjælpe med at etablere månelejren og transporttjenester. Disse vil hjælpe astronauterne med at komme fra sted til sted og etablere den første lejr, der vil blive udviklet senere når vi har ackrævet mmalmmaterialer til at lave månelejren.  

Hvordan beskytter og giver jeres Moon Camp jeres astronauter ly mod Månens barske miljø?

Our moon camp has many features used to protect astronauts from its harmful environment. We have many houses, bases, and movement assistants to help us navigate the terrain of the environment. Every building in our moon base is made of Moon Crete or is covered with a layer of moon Crete. We have dome-shaped bases built out of lunar Crete and other rocks on the moon. These are supported by metal stands bought from the rocket. To connect these bases to each other we have tubes that go to each base, which are made of metal. This will prevent the astronauts from having any unneeded exposure to the environment of the moon and make it easier to move from base to base. In case of any emergency or doubt, we have a radio station back to Earth and twin observatories to see any emergencies or incoming storms. We also have rovers and transportation buggies that help the astronauts get to certain areas of the moon to mine materials and ensure safety and separation from the environment around them.  

På Månen er ressourcerne meget knappe, men under lange månemissioner kan astronauterne ikke regne med forsyningsmissioner fra Jorden. Forklar, hvordan din månecamp vil give astronauterne bæredygtig adgang til basale behov som vand, mad, luft og strøm.

First, there are a few plants that could be used for oxygen and food. For oxygen, our main resources are golden pothos and algae. Algae will be in enclosed containers in which the algae will grow in thrive, and golden pothos er a very low maintenance vine with the special ability to reproduce by cutting its stem and replanting that same stem. However, that stem should indeholder a plant bud to regrow another pothos. Aloe vera is a special plant that is one of the best oxygen production plants in the world and can also help in medication. Water will be brought in the cargo to sustain the astronauts for 3 days, since the rovers need to still finish up setting the water purifier. The water purifier can also be used to purify urine and sweat to water to sustain the astronauts in case of an emergency. Electricity will come from the solar panels but there will be also generators and backup generators in case of an emergency 

Hvad ville du inkludere i dit astronauttræningsprogram for at forberede astronauterne på en månemission?

Training with the equipment in the submarine stations/swimming pools since going in the water is like being in space with zero gravity and in the water the astronaut should move around in the water to get used to moving around the station without a problem. Now moving on to the physical part, the astronaut should be able to do 2 hours of running whenever they want during the day, and they should do 1 hour of arm workouts and 1 hour of leg workouts because they need lots of muscle strength to prevent muscle and bone loss and to counteract the microgravity. They would also need to memorize moon camp stations and the functionality of the equipment. This helps them memorize how to get around if they were on the moon so that they do not waste time, can get to work, and do their work faster. The astronaut training program could also include the vomit comet so that they could train for the motion sickness that might come to them when they go travelling in the rocket. 

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Samlet score 6.31

Jury2 ratings

Jury member: John Chinner
Innovation 6
Softwarefærdigheder 7
Egnethed 6
Svar 6
Samlet score 6.25

+have considered what types of plants to cultivate

-what is fuelling the backup generators?

Jury member: Mert Tunc
Innovation 6
Softwarefærdigheder 6
Egnethed 9
Svar 8
Samlet score 7.25

OK: good image display, good title name, good bases, good plant selection

NOK: person should be well trained in all areas. The hips are also important for optimal movement in zero gravity

Jury member: Martin Born
Innovation 5
Softwarefærdigheder 6
Egnethed 7
Svar 6
Samlet score 6

+ Good overall description and illustrations. Located at South pole. Regolith usage for habitat shielding. Communication. Telescopes. Tunnels between modules. Rovers.

– Backup generator concept not explained. Training outline is rather basic.

Jury member: Advenit Makaya
Innovation 6
Softwarefærdigheder 6
Egnethed 6
Svar 5
Samlet score 5.75

A lot of use of helium-3: questionable