Moon Camp has an open format without restrictions on the design tools and techniques used. Therefore, Moon Camp fits into the curriculum of many primary and secondary school subjects. Below you find an overview of examples of projects per school subject that you can use for inspiration.
Build your a space habitat with arts & craft supplies or with building blocks such as LEGO.
Study the dangers in outer space and investigate which materials best protect.
Explore 3D design, robotics or create a virtual, augmented or game world.
Research the best locations on the Moon or other planets to place your habitat.
Can we extract water from lunar ice? and how do we ensure a continuous supply of oxygen?
Learn from microbes and how to grow food on another planet.
Build your a space habitat with arts & craft supplies or with building blocks such as LEGO.
Python Station
by Aliens
MOON CAMP – Modello Lego by Giovanni A., Vittoria C., Viktor C., Ethan S., Tommaso S.
Quite a familiar future
by Pisti
Primary Classroom Activity
Moon Shelter
This team used arts & craft supplies and everyday items to build a base on the Martian surface.
This team used LEGO to create a base and rocket platform on the Moon.
This team used pencils to create a scene of the future where humans live on outer planets.
In this activity, students investigate shelters on Earth and in space and finally build their own shelter.
Study the dangers in outer space such as radiation. Explore the variations of gravity on different planets. Investigate the Sun as a source of energy.
BasIC Autonomous Space Explorer (BASE) by BasIC
DOMO – MarsCamp by Ciencias del espacio y tecnologías aplicadas
Portable habitat by Los relojes inteligentes
Video – Radiation on the Moon
by Airbus Foundation
This team used solar energy to move a rover and explored various materials suitable for outer space
This team studied structural integrity, radiation protection and thermal regulation of polyhedral domes.
This team 3D designed a portable habitat suitable for Mars’ gravity, temperature and surface.
On the Moon you’re exposed to large amounts of radiation. What’s the best sunscreen for moon life?
Make a 3D design in free online software such a Tinkercad or Fusion. Program a rover or create a habitat in your favorite gaming environment.
Design a Moon Habitat in Tinkercad by Airbus Foundation
Project Midnight
by Galaxy Explorers
El habitat de la esperanza
by Paradox Rivera
Learn how to 3D design a Moon habitat in Tinkercad.
This team used block-coding to program a LEGO rover on Mars.
This team created a virtual Moon camp in the Minecraft game world.
This team created a virtual Moon camp in the Roblox game world.
Research the best location to place your habitat and learn more about local materials to build a habitat on the Moon and beyond.
Woda na Księżycu
by Natalia i Paulina
Colonizing Venus
by Terraforming Terrifying Venus
Video – The best place to live on the Moon by Airbus Foundation
Video – Building on the Moon
by Airbus Foundation
This team prepared samples of lunar soil by mixing water and sand.
This team investigated terraforming on Venus using space mirrors.
Where will your Moon village be? On the poles or digging underground?
Can we use Moon rocks to build a home on the Moon?
Investigate how to extract water from Lunar soil or research how to generate oxygen on an outer planet.
La base d’Art Attack.
by Los gogos.
Mooncamp Algactive
Secondary Classroom Activity
Extracting Water from Lunar Soil
Secondary Classroom Activity
Power from Water
This team electrolyzed water for the production of Oxygen and Hydrogen.
This team created a robot to study and automate microalgae growth
Investigate the water states and phase transitions.
Learn how to produce oxygen and hydrogen on the Moon.
Study the conditions to sustain life and grow food on other planets.
Plants in Space
by Team Markus Paul
Anbau von pflanzen im Hydroponiksystem
by Salat flower power
Primary Classroom Activity
Secondary Classroom Activity
Space Bears
This team exposed plants and algae to extreme conditions like in space.
This team investigated how to grow plants without needing soil.
Investigate factors affecting plant growth and relate them to space.
Test tardigrades’ resilience to extreme space environments.