


Are you a team from Switzerland and want to participate in the Moon Camp challenge?


Challenge Launch
21 September 2023
Registration opens on the 21/09/2023
Learn more about the Moon by completing the Moon Camp challenge activities
Develop your Moon Camp project
Submit your project on the platform

Teacher / educator preparation:
Create a plan of action for your team
Participate in the teacher training modules (dates to be announced)
Deadline for submissions
25 April 2024
Website closes for submissions on the 25/04/2024
Make sure you submit your projects before the deadline!
May 2024
Certificates of participation will be sent to the students and mentors
All valid projects will be uploaded to the Moon Camp gallery
Final online event
May 2024

Virtual event with an ESA astronaut and space experts, open to all the participants that submitted a valid project

National Organiser

Teams from Switzerland

Team name School City Category

Future Builders


6006 Luzern

Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts


Le Rosey


3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D PrintingScientific ExperimentsScientific ExperimentsOtherOther


Le Rosey


3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D PrintingScientific ExperimentsScientific ExperimentsOtherOther

Moon Driver people

Le Rosey


3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D Printing

Lunar Linkettes

Le Rosey


3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D PrintingOtherOther

[leaflet-map fitbounds !detect-retina show_scale zoomcontrol scrollwheel=1 spiderfyOnMaxZoom=1][leaflet-marker address=”6006 Luzern,Switzerland”]Living on the Moon and on Mars
We thought of how to make it most comfortable for people to settle on the moon and on mars.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rolle,Switzerland”]Air & water supply
The prospect of obtaining a glass of water on the moon presents a formidable challenge due to its dry and airless conditions, akin to Earth’s driest deserts. Water and breathable air stand as indispensable requirements for human. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rolle,Switzerland”]Power Generation
Lunar power generation is crucial for sustainable habitation and exploration on the Moon. Solar energy emerges as a primary solution, albeit with challenges such as eclipses and the need for backup power.
The concept of the Luna. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rolle,Switzerland”]Transportation on the moon
Hi, i’m Omar, this is my story. I made a lunar rover, inspired by real lunar rover that have been sent to the moon. It has 3 pair of wheels for suspension, and they progressively get smaller, so the one at the back is big and the. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rolle,Switzerland”]Communication on the moon
Our Moon Camp project is all about staying connected on the lunar surface. We’ve designed an awesome communication device that helps astronauts talk with each other, no matter where they are on the moon. It’s got a big screen for. . .

[/leaflet-marker][zoomhomemap !fit] [cluster radius=”10″ zoom=”12″ spiderfy=1]

Living on the Moon and on Mars
Future Builders
Air & water supply
Power Generation

More information from your National Organiser

Resources in French

  • All
  • Moon Animations (21)
  • Classroom Resources (20)
  • Primary (14)
  • Secondary (6)

    Resources in German

    • All
    • Moon Animations (20)
    • Classroom Resources (17)
    • Primary (11)
    • Secondary (6)

      Resources in Italian

      • All
      • Moon Animations (20)
      • Classroom Resources (13)
      • Primary (9)
      • Secondary (4)