Galerie projektu Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Inspirujte se těmito úžasnými stanovišti pro výzkum vesmíru navrženými týmy studentů z celého světa.

A travel to the moon by Little astronauts in the spaceship

12. mateřská škola Sykies  Soluň-Sýrie    Řecko 6 let a mladší   20 / 11 Angličtina Měsíc

Popis projektu

Jsme třída mateřské školy s 20 žáky a dvěma učiteli. Je nám 4-6 let. Už dva měsíce pracujeme na projektu o vesmíru a jsme z něj nadšení.

So, we had the idea to be astronauts and explore the moon. We learnt about moon and the people who first reached the moon years ago. Then, we decided to make a spaceship.

After discussing about its design and the materials that can be used, we made groups to work collaboratively. We used various kinds of paper, brushes, paints, scissors and silicon. Each group had to complete a task. For example, one group had to paint, the second ought to cut paper and make the wings. The third was responsible to make the rocket and the last had to assemble the parts of our spaceship.

In the end, we got into our spaceship and we explored the moon by using our knowledge and imagination.

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