Galerie projektu Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Inspirujte se těmito úžasnými stanovišti pro výzkum vesmíru navrženými týmy studentů z celého světa.


IES CERVANTES  MADRID-MADRID    Španělsko 14 let   5 / 0 Angličtina Měsíc

Externí odkaz pro 3D návrh Tinkercad

Popis projektu

Vítejte v měsíčním táboře, lunární základně určené pro vědecký průzkum a výzkum. Základna se skládá ze tří hlavních objektů: startovací plochy pro rakety, průzkumného vozidla a výzkumného střediska.


The rocket launch area is the liftoff point for rockets traveling to and from Earth. Its launch machine takes advantage of the Moon’s minimal gravity, making travel more efficient. The rocket transports supplies, equipment, and employees, reinforcing the continuous operation of the moon camp.


Next to the launch area is the exploration vehicle. The vehicle, equipped with advanced sensors and instruments, explores the Moon’s surface, collects samples, and studies its geology and atmosphere.


In the center of the moon camp is the investigation center, a research facility equipped with laboratories, observatories, and communication machines to make connections with Earth. Scientists come here to analyze data collected from lunar missions, conduct experiments, and make discoveries. The center houses advanced technology, including telescopes and spectrometers, enabling in-depth study of the Moon and contributing to our understanding of the universe.


The joints between these structures create a joined system for lunar exploration and scientific advancement. The rocket launch area ensures a constant arrival of resources, the exploration vehicle supports surface exploration, and the investigation center processes and dissects valuable data, fostering global scientific collaboration.


MoonCamp, with its rocket launch capabilities, exploration vehicle, and research center, represents a significant step in establishing a sustainable human presence on the Moon. Beyond expanding scientific knowledge, this moon base lays the foundation for future space exploration, offering a gateway to the lunar surface and potentially farther than our Moon into the massive solar system. MoonCamp is a testament to human curiosity, innovation, and our active quest for knowledge in the vast infinity of the cosmos.

#3D design

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