Mondlager-Projektgalerie 2023-2024 

Lassen Sie sich von diesen erstaunlichen Lebensräumen für die Erforschung des Weltraums durch den Menschen inspirieren, die von Schülerteams aus aller Welt entworfen wurden.

Moon Habitat by Cercetasii isteti

Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 179  Bukarest-Bukarest    Rumänien 6 Jahre alt und jünger   24 / 12 Englisch Mond

Beschreibung des Projekts

Our project is participating at Arts and Crafts section. Pupils created a Moon habitat using 3D geometrical shapes (cuboids and pyramids) created by themselves. They took into consideration that the Moon has a very thin atmosphere, so people can’t breath there. That’s way they proposed to build a pyramid` habitat. Also, they considered that people need to grow food, so they built greenhouses. For transport, they added rockets and rovers. Materials used are: paper, carton, wooden sticks, glue stick, scissors, aluminum foil and two polystyrene boards.

Children were very excited by this project. We hope we’ve done well. 🙂

#Kunst & Handwerk

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