Mondlager-Projektgalerie 2023-2024 

Lassen Sie sich von diesen erstaunlichen Lebensräumen für die Erforschung des Weltraums durch den Menschen inspirieren, die von Schülerteams aus aller Welt entworfen wurden.

Ewan, Walid, Mohamed & Nino’s Moon base MJ3LCE by Ewan, Walid, Mohamed & Nino

Collège Max Jacob  Quimper-Brittany    Frankreich 14 Jahre alt, 15 Jahre alt   4 / 0 Englisch Mond

Externer Link für Tinkercad 3D Konstruktion

Beschreibung des Projekts

Hallo zusammen, heute werden wir euch unsere Raumstation für die Artemis-Mission vorstellen.
Unsere Raumstation wird sehr groß und funktionell sein und über eine Vielzahl von Ausrüstungen verfügen, um auf jede Situation auf dem Mond vorbereitet zu sein.
First in the station there is a dome filled with plants in it to produce oxygen, the oxygen goes through a pipe into a tank. We have a lunar launchers that works thanks to the sun’s rays to save electricity. It can destroy rocks or meteorites and it can also dig the ground to find minerals. Our station can transform ice into water with a special system which can also store this water in a tank for the astronauts to consume. And finally we have a very big and fast rocket which can travel from the Moon to Earth in less than two hours.

We have chosen to build our own camp in the Shackleton crater to be protected if there are asteroids or meteorites. For our moon camp we will dig deeper into the moon crater to have more space. We will also use uranium to charge our electrical equipment. In our camp we will build a a dome to grow plants so that we won’t need to bring plants, oxygen and water from the Earth. To protect our astronauts against the moon’s harsh environment we will cover our moon base with a dome made with polyamide to resist the radiations and maintain a good temperature in the station. Outside there would be rocket launchers to destroy asteroids, but if they don’t success there will be an underground bunker to escape. There will be a water recycler to avoid wasting fluids and all protein food will be in sachets to bring only the necessary amount on the moon.

The astronauts will have to follow a training program
– First 30 minutes of stretching for the joints
– Then breathing exercises to get used to the lack of oxygen
– 45 minutes of fitness to maintain the muscles
– Drink a lot of water after that
– And finally a test for resistance to the lack of gravity in space.


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