discovery interactive image

Moon Camp Discovery 2022-2023 Project Gallery

In Moon Camp Discovery each team’s mission is to 3D design only one component of a Moon Camp, using Tinkercad

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station | Space Suit

Team: Diégo et Noham 5°E

Category: Moon base | Léguevin – 31 |  France |  12 years old 2 / 0 French

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description


This lunar base is composed of different modules:

  • the kitchen is composed of food as well as advanced equipment to eat well
  • dining and meeting room composed of a large table and book as well as chair
  • the gym with advanced materials for bodybuilding
  • the bathroom with shower and toilet
  • the dormitory has several beds


Original Text:

Cette base lunaire est composée de différents modules :

  • la cuisine est composé de nourriture ainsi que de matériel avancé pour bien manger
  • salle a manger et de réunion composé d’une grande table et de livre ainsi que de chaise
  • la salle de sport avec des matériaux avancer pour la musculation
  • la salle de bain composé de douche et wc
  • le dortoir est composé de plusieurs lit

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