Team: Missió 1969
Category: Rocket | Calella – Catalunya | Spain | 14 years old 4 / 2 Catalán
External link for Tinkercad 3D design
Project description
• As we have already said that we will do it in this place because, if it is colder, we can use blankets or hot stuff, with some invention.
· We chose this design because, since it is a vehicle, it can take us there and that is enough big enough to live in, then we won’t have to spend so much money.
· We have chosen easy to obtain and recycled material, to help the environment.
· Our idea is to live on the moon.
Original Text:
•Com ja hem dit que ho farem en aquest lloc jaqué, si fa més fred, podem utilitzanr mantes o coses calentes, amb algun invent.
· Hem triat aquest disseny perquè, ja que és un vehicle ens pot portar fins allà i que sigui prou gran per viure-hi, llavors no ens haurem de gastar tants diners.
· Hem triat material fàcil d’aconseguir i reciclat, per ajudar el medi ambient.
· La nostra idea es tracta de viure a la lluna.
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