discovery interactive image

Moon Camp Discovery 2022-2023 Project Gallery

In Moon Camp Discovery each team’s mission is to 3D design only one component of a Moon Camp, using Tinkercad

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station | Space Suit

Team: base lunar Alpha SJD

Category: Moon base | Ecija – Sevilla |  Spain |  13 years old 1 / 0 español

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description


The lunar base is made up of six zones: The main one is the one in the shape of a ring; this part will be used for rest and as the main place for the astronauts to stay. The second is the water extractor, since as it is located in the southern part of the moon it will serve to convert the ice into water and it will be distributed through the base through tubes. The third area is the greenhouse, where food for the astronauts will be grown. The fourth and fifth zones are the laboratories; one in the shape of an igloo and the other in a rectangular shape. The last zone is where the rockets go and land to bring more astronauts and to bring materials.


Original Text:

La base lunar está formada por seis zonas: La principal es la que tiene forma de anillo; esta parte servirá para el reposo y como sitio principal de la estancia de los astronautas. La segunda es el extractor de agua, ya que como está situada en la parte sur de la luna servirá para convertir el hielo en agua y mediante unos tubos se distribuirá por la base. La tercera zona es el invernadero, donde se cultivarán los alimentos para los astronautas. La cuarta y quinta zona son los laboratorios; uno con forma de iglú y otro con forma rectangular. La última zona es en la que los cohetes van y aterrizan para traer más astronautas y para traer materiales.


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