Team: ASTRO23
Category: Moon base | Ljubljana – Ljubljana | Slovenia | 13 years old 3 / 3 Slovenian
External link for Tinkercad 3D design
Project description
We made a 3D model of a residence that would be placed on the far side of the Moon (Far side of the Moon). We chose this location because of the ore deposits that would be used to build the residence. We also decided on the far side of the Moon so that we could observe distant constellations undisturbed, as we would not be disturbed by the light of the Sun. We placed igloos in the base, in which the astronauts would live. The igloos are connected by tunnels to keep the astronauts from being exposed to extreme temperatures. We also built a greenhouse in which to grow rice, potatoes, turnips and the like. We would also bring some dehydrated and vacuum packed food. Electricity will be obtained with the help of solar cells, which receive and convert solar energy into electricity. There is also supposed to be ice under the surface, which would be transformed into liquid water by heating. The water would then be stored in a well in the form of a large bottle. In addition to the laboratory, we have also placed igloos in our base, which are intended for sleeping and spending free time.
Original Text:
Izdelale smo 3D model bivališča, ki bi ga postavile na skrajno stran Lune (Far side of the Moon). Za to lokacijo smo se odločile zaradi nahajališč rude, ki jo bi uporabile za izgradnjo bivališča. Za skrajno stran Lune smo se odločile tudi zato, da bi lahko nemoteno opazovale oddaljena ozvezdja, saj nas pri opazovanju ne bi motila svetloba Sonca. V bazo smo postavile igluje, v katerih bi prebivali astronavti in astronavtke. Igluji so povezani s tuneli, da astronavti ne bi bili izpostavljeni ekstremnim temperaturam. Postavile smo tudi rastlinjak, v katerem bi gojile riž, krompir, repo in podobno. S seboj bi prinesli tudi nekaj dehidrirane in vakuumsko zapakirane hrane. Električno energijo bodo pridobivali s pomočjo sončnih celic, ki sprejemajo in pretvarjajo sončno energijo v električno. Pod površje naj bi se nahajal tudi led, ki bi ga s segrevanjem pretvorili v tekočo vodo. Vodo bi nato shranjevali v vodnjaku v obliki velike steklenice. V našo bazo smo poleg laboratorija postavili tudi igluje, ki so namenjeni spanju in preživljanju prostega časa.
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