
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station| Space Suits

Team: Greta and Ev go to the moon

Category: Moon base | lincroft |  United States |  2 |  15 years old, 15 years old

Project description

Moon Camp Project 

Our Moon Camp contains serval different components to ensure the most safety and ability to collect research efficiently. Our Moon is located on the moon and contains three main quarters. The big purple doom contains our living quarters and kitchen. We chose a dome as it is able to station unpredictable weather patterns and sustain sun rays. The dome shape also helps to deflect the elements better and easier for astronauts to set up and transport from earth to the moon. The orange connecting tubes are tubes that connect quarters to other quarters. In case of a breach, astronauts are able to shut down connecting tubes to avoid further contamination.  The green dome is where all of the communication processes go on. This also astronauts to abscess maintenance matters pertaining to the moon camp or contacting earth. Here the rover can be charged through an outside charger, astronauts can plan their trips on the moon, and fix suits and other equipment. The yellow dome contains waste management. Bathrooms, broken equipment, and trash disposal are located there. They also compact trash to be transported down to earth. These domes are all connected orange tubes and all of these domes and tubes can be easily transported from earth to the moon. On the outside of the base is located a solar panel flew. This allows the station to create a sustainable form of power that is accessible and on the easier side to transport. This also provides power to charge the rover and moon camp. The final piece of equipment located outside the camp is the rover. This allows astronauts to take a day and sometimes night trips around the moon to collect any kind of research. Overall our camp is efficient and allows scientists and astronauts to collect research in the safest and most productive way possible.

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