
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Team: Base in space

Category: Moon base | Stockholm |  Sweden |  5 |  11 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

  1. We have three plant rooms and an extra apple tree. We can see the solar system from our moon base.
  2. We use solar panels to create energy and electricity.
  3. We have domes that protect us from radiation.
  4. We will dig in until we find moist soil and from the water, we will plant trees. The trees will give us air that we can breathe.
  5. A family of 3-10 people will be able to live on a moon base but if we build more then there will be room for more families. we will be able to eat vegetables and fruits.

Team Members: Maria, Millie, Elina, Linn and Agnes

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