
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Team: NL Rover

Category: Lunar rover | Hong Kong |  Hong Kong |  1 |  11 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

My moon camp project is a lunar rover, there was a lot of lunar rovers that have been invented, but I made something that’s different, it’s a lunar rover with a few features that I thought of myself. For example, bumpy wheels and a roof, not many have those and it may already exist but I have reasons why I made these features. I researched and learned about the lunar rover, then I looked at some existing lunar rovers and modified some parts of it. After that, I made initial designs of what my modified lunar rover looked like and did the same on Tinkercad. That’s how my design came to be after a few weeks of editing and adding new ideas from time to time. Actually the solar panel wasn’t my original design, I just added it after I realized that fuel would make the design seem a little weird, since not a lot of lunar rovers use fuel/gas in space.

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