
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station| Space Suits

Team: Gli spaziali

Category: Moon base | Ragusa |  Italy |  4 |  13 years old, 14 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

The moon camp project we designed consists of 5 modules (housing unit, communication center, research tower, greenhouse and KRUSTY: the nuclear power generator that powers the station). These modules will be sent and mounted at different times.

In the illuminated part of the moon because the sun will be one of the main energy resources,  another reason is that communications are easier in this area than those not exposed to the sun and the earth A sulfur-based lunar cement and regolith aggregates would be suitable for use and would not require the use of water, to be stored for more vital needs. 

Water on the Moon would not be relegated to the polar regions but would be well distributed in its surface, and in various types of soil It could be in the form of hydroxyl (OH), a more reactive relative of H2O composed of one oxygen atom and one hydrogen, that does not stay alone for long but prefers to stick to other molecules.

Other space should be devoted to lunar crops, whose main problems would be the absence of nitrogen fundamental for the growth of plants on Earth and the abundance of metal contaminants such as chromium and aluminum. We could opt for hydroponic crops that would require plenty of water.

Energy could be obtained with solar panels equipped with batteries that can conserve energy for the two weeks of darkness, through nuclear reactors with the risk of polluting a place so far uncontaminated NASA is testing KRUSTY, a portable nuclear fission reactor, capable of providing a power of between 1 and 10 kilowatts continuously for at least 10 years

Electrolysis will be used to extract oxygen from water, and there are filters to prevent astronauts from suffocating in the CO2 they produce.

There will be thick walls that will be constructed of materials whose resistance to zero gravity and extreme temperatures we know: materials already present on the moon.

Astronauts will have to specialize in all the tasks of the lunar base to survive on their own. The astronauts will wake up in the living core and have breakfast with greenhouse products, communicate through the communication center their awakening to the earth, cure the products of the greenhouse, they will leave the lunar base to take the samples they will analyze in the research tower, they will have lunch and they will know the searches will go to sleep only after having communicated to the earth all their results of the searches


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