
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Team: Space Stars – Camp Madness

Category: Moon base | Chichester |  United Kingdom |  4 |  9 years old, 10 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

The name of our Moon Camp is Madness Moon Camp because our Camp is really mad and crazy.

 We have 4 special Astronauts that are really smart in different ways one is amazing at Science, one is an Engineer, one is really good at using technology and the last can look after animals magnificently. All of them when they work together are a dream team!

 We decided to put our Moon camp on top of the Moon because we will find ice easier so we can make more water and it will not take as long because we don’t have to dig.

We made our project quite small so we avoid objects more easily!

The 4 of us decided that the most important rule is to be safe because we need to survive so on top we have a big bubble that is 120 cm thick so we are safe.

We have a couple of rules to keep safe which are keep in the bubble, stay hydrated, eat at least 4 meals so  we are  not hungry and  we HAVE TO check the animals so they are safe!

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