
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station| Space Suits

Team: Lunar Voyager

Category: Lunar Orbital Space Station | Ragusa |  Italy |  4 |  13 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

This project portrays a lunar orbiting space station (i.e. traveling around the moon). This station will be energetically self-sufficient thanks to the photovoltaic panels that will obtain energy thanks to the sun’s rays, it will be used in order to carry out research in the scientific and astronomical fields.
The space station will be assembled in space and thanks to maneuvers it will orbit around the Moon. It will be made to perform searches near the Moon.
Ceramics will be used for the fairings, carbon fiber to lighten the weight of the structure, steel to give greater resistance and ceramic glass for the dome.
The astronauts will receive shipments from earth of vital resources and eat meals.
The energy will be obtained from the photovoltaic panels and the astronauts will extract the air thanks to a process called electrolysis.

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