
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station| Space Suits

Team: Year 6

Category: Moon base | Watford |  United Kingdom |  6 |  11 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

We have been creating a camp base for astronauts on the moon. This project has been specifically challenging as our school bubbles didn’t allow us to gather all of our group together to make our Space camp.

Our first step was to think about the opportunities that the astronauts could have when living in space. We wanted to create an environment that astronauts would be comfortable in but could still be productive enough to do the experiments that were necessary to gain more knowledge about how to survive in space. Everybody had a turn to sketch their ideal survival home in space and find out how to create different things like plants, fuel, etc. that you could use in everyday life on Earth.


Our second approach was to find out as much information as we could on how we gather energy that could be used in space. We came to the conclusion to use solar panels to gain electricity and power from the sun to ensure that our resources that require electricity will always be available to them. We needed to consider the amount of space that would be available to the astronauts to conduct the experiments and to require their daily needs. We have used radio transmitters so the ground control team can troubleshoot any errors in our space-camp. We have tunnels so that our team can go through to other rooms and it is very efficient. We have made space cars for the astronauts to find out more information about the moon as they are going to need to make experiments about it.

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