
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station| Space Suits


Category: Lunar Orbital Space Station | Komotini |  Greece |  4 |  9 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Dear Moon Camp Challenge Team,

our class, the 4th grade of the 9th Primary School of Komotini, Greece are going to the Moon! We are 3D Printing in teams in our ICT Lab. A few days ago were granted a 3D Printer because we are a STEM 3.0 School. We are going to 3D Print our designs. Our team ARTEMIS 4ESAT proudly presents our Lunar Orbital Station. We are also participating in CesaR and in MissionX Train Like an Astronaut!

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