
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Category: Moon base | MILANO |  Italy |  5 |  10 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description


Our lunar base is located at the South Pole of the Moon, precisely in the crater of Shackleton (19 km wide and 3 m deep), where there is also ice.
The lunar base will be built in the crater just to limit any damage due to the fall of asteroids and lunar sandstorms.
The upper part of each single module, which will make up the lunar base, will have the shape of a dome, inside each dome there will have to be a pressure of 1.1 and a mild temperature.
Above the domes will be placed solar panels that will exploit the sunlight to produce energy. The entire structure must be lined with insulating panels to protect the inside of the lunar base from lunar dust.

Each module of the base will have a specific function:
– RESEARCH MODULE: in this module we find all the equipment and PCs necessary for the conduct of research and analysis of materials found on the lunar soil.
– TERRA module: in this module instead, we find all the equipment for the connections with the earth and for the transmission of the data of the research carried out.
– BATTERIES module: this module is very important because it will be used to store all the batteries and the necessary for the electrical operation of the entire lunar base.
– DORMITORY module: here the astronauts can sleep rest will be provided a computer to communicate with the family and another computer on which to control the data of the operation of the base. In the common area of the dormitory the astronauts can also have their daily meals and chat with each other
– BATHROOM module: astronauts can wash.
– GYM module: the gym module is much smaller than the other modules of the base, there will be small tools to keep the astronauts’ body in shape.
– SERRA module: Our lunar base is also equipped with a greenhouse where experiments with the hydroculture method will be carried out

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