Kuu laagri projekti galerii 2023-2024 

Saage inspiratsiooni nende hämmastavate elupaikade abil, mille on projekteerinud ülemaailmsed tudengirühmad.

Moon Camp 7 by Year 6 7

Burbage'i põhikool  Buxton-Derbyshire    Ühendkuningriik 11 aastat vana   5 / 4 Inglise keeles Moon

Projekti kirjeldus

We made a ladder which could go into the main bedroom where the school children (from the book ‘Field Trip to the Moon’) can relax. We have a greenhouse for growing all the food and a big tree which provides them with oxygen. Additionally, there is a water tank made from tin foil and tissue paper to enable them to drink. Furthermore, over the house (at the bottom) there is a transparent dome where they can look at the stars.

#Kunst ja käsitöö

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