Kuu laagri projekti galerii 2023-2024 

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ZIGGY – lunarni habitat by Ziggy

ITS DTZ Žiga Zois  Trieste-Friuli Venezia Giulia    Itaalia 16 years old, 18 years old, 19 years old   6 / 1 Sloveenia Moon

Välislink Tinkercad 3D disaini jaoks

Projekti kirjeldus

Projekt, ki smo ga zasnovali na državnem tehniškem zavodu Žiga Zois v Trstu, predvideva lunarni habitat iz sestavljivih delov, ki omogočajo širjenje raziskovalnih in bivalnih ambientov na luninem površju. Osnovna modula sta dva: vertikalni modul ZIGGY in horizontalni ZOIS, ki sta v obeh primerih namenjena prevozu s tovorno raketo Falcon 9 podjetja Space X, in sicer v fairingu v manjši različici (11,5m).
Modul ZIGGY je namenjen vertikalnemu pristajanju ter vsebuje napihljiv membranski habitat ter modularne stropove: sestavljen je iz pritličja, prvega nadstropja in panoramske kupole, ki so povezani z vertikalno lestvijo, na glavnem nosilnem stebru v sredini modula. V načrtu so predvideni 4 prehodi v smereh glavnih osi, ki so pritrjeni na pomičen tir. Prehodi so sestavljeni iz dveh prekatov od katerih je zunanji trden notranji pa napihljiv. V fazi postavitve se okoli modula ZIGGY tiska tridimenzionalen iglu iz lunine prepernine, ki jo oblikujemo s pomočjo visokih temperatur, ki nastanejo iz koncentracije sončnih žarkov s pomočjo ogledala. V ta namen bi bil v sklopu misije poslan na luno tudi robot za tiskanje, ki bi ga lahko uporabili za tiskanje vseh iglujev. V stičišču med modulom in iglujem je predviden obroč s keramično prevleko, ki bi preprečila škodo pri visokotemperaturnem tiskanju. Ob koncu tiskanja bi izven igluja ostala le kupola, v notranjosti pa bi se modul odprl in habitat napihnil. Pri tiskanju bi morali pustiti odprtine za prehode, ki bi se potom tirov postavili na mesto ob dokončanju kupole.
ZOIS je horizontalen modul valjaste oblike, ki stoji na šestih teleskopskih nogah in ima dvoje priključkov na kratkih koncih, ki omogočajo povezavo na druge elemente tipa ZIGGY in tipa ZOIS. Namenjen je predvsem raznemu raziskovalnem delu, saj ZIGGY-ev iglu bolje ščiti pred sončnim sevanjem. Njegova značilnost je tudi prehodnost, saj omogoča prehajanje med moduli ZIGGY.
Projekt omogoča modularno kompozicijo lunarnega naselja v X in Y smeri ter potencialno širjenje glede na potrebe misije.

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Inglise keelne tõlge

the project, which we designed at the state technical institute Žiga Zois in Trieste, envisages a lunar habitat made of modular parts that enable the expansion of research and living environments on the lunar surface. There are two basic modules: the vertical module ZIGGY and the horizontal ZOIS, which in both cases are intended for transportation with the Space X Falcon 9 cargo rocket, namely in the fairing in a smaller version (11.5m).
The ZIGGY module is designed for vertical landing and contains an inflatable membrane habitat and modular ceilings: it consists of a ground floor, a first floor and a panoramic dome, which are connected by a vertical ladder, on the main supporting column in the middle of the module. The plan envisages 4 crossings in the directions of the main axes, which are attached to the moving track. The passages consist of two compartments, the outer one is solid and the inner one is inflatable. During the installation phase, a three-dimensional igloo is printed around the ZIGGY module from the lunar layer, which is formed with the help of high temperatures, which are created from the concentration of the sun’s rays with the help of a mirror. For this purpose, the mission would also send a printing robot to the moon, which could be used to print all the igloos. In the junction between the module and the igloo, a ring with a ceramic coating is provided, which would prevent damage during high-temperature printing. At the end of the printing, only the dome would remain outside the igloo, and inside the module would open and inflate the habitat. When printing, you would have to leave openings for the passages, which would then be railed into place when the dome was completed.
ZOIS is a horizontal cylindrical module that stands on six telescopic legs and has two connectors on the short ends that enable connection to other ZIGGY and ZOIS type elements. It is mainly intended for various research work, as it better protects ZIGGY’s igloo from solar radiation. Its feature is also portability, as it allows switching between ZIGGY modules.
The project allows for a modular composition of the lunar settlement in the X and Y directions and potential expansion according to the needs of the mission.

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