Kuu laagri projekti galerii 2023-2024 

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Wild Boars’ Base by Wild Boars

Wieliczka Montessori kool  Wieliczka-małopolska    Poola 10 aastat vana   4 / 0 Inglise keeles Mars

Projekti kirjeldus

We have built a space base which task is to collect information about Mars. Our base is prepared for 5 people and we have plenty of food in it. When the food runs out, a rocket comes to our base and delivers what we need. This base has one window and a hatch through which you can enter. We also have one rover that is used for scientific purposes. Our base has one sleeping bag, a few pillows and two blankets. We obtain energy from solar panels, thanks to this there is electricity and light in the base. We obtain water using a rover that drives to the Pole on Mars, it melts the ice and then returns back to base. Our entertainment consists of playing cards and board games. Our flag is in red, white and yellow colors that symbolize courage, order and honesty.

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