Kuu laagri projekti galerii 2023-2024 

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Foguetão FX by Foguetão_FX

Agrupamento de Escolas de Pevidém  Guimarães-Distrto_Braga    Portugal 13 aastat vana   1 / 0 Portugali Muu asukoht

Välislink Tinkercad 3D disaini jaoks

Projekti kirjeldus

O Foguetão FX kasutab järgmisi materjale:

  • Estrutuura jaoks kasutatakse alumiinium- ja titaanisidemeid, mis tagavad vastupidavuse ja püsivuse;
  • Paraquedas para permitir uma descida controlada da cápsula na reentrada;
  • Vidro reforçado para as janelas da resistir a impactos e ao vácuo do espaço;

Inglise keelne tõlge

The FX Rocket would use the following materials:

  • For the structure, aluminum alloys and titanium alloys would be used to give strength and lightness to the rocket;
  • Parachute to allow a controlled descent of the capsule upon re-entry;
  • Reinforced glass for windows to resist impacts and the vacuum of space;

#3D disain

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