Kuu laagri projekti galerii 2023-2024 

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Miner’s Colony on Moon by Open Future International by Mining Colony on Moon – Open Future International

Open Future International  Kraków-Lesser Poland    Poola 9 aastat vana   6 / 2 Poola Moon

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Projekti kirjeldus

Kolonia górnicza na Księżycu jest wkopana głęboko w skały,  żeby chronić astronautów przed promieniowaniem. Stacja wydobywa Hel-3 na potrzeby elektrowni atomowych na Ziemi oraz jako źródło energii kolonii księżycowej. Transport zapewnia rakieta cargo.

A mining colony on the Moon is dug deep into the rocks to protect astronauts from radiation. The station mines helium-3 for nuclear power plants on Earth and as a source of energy for the lunar colony. Transportation is provided by a cargo rocket.

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The mining colony on the Moon is dug deep into the rocks to protect astronauts from radiation. The station extracts Helium-3 for nuclear power plants on Earth and as an energy source for the lunar colony. Transport is provided by a cargo rocket.

A mining colony on the Moon is long deep into the rocks to protect astronauts from radiation. The station mines helium-3 for nuclear power plants on Earth and as a source of energy for the lunar colony. Transportation is provided by a cargo rocket.

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#3D disain

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