Kuu laagri projekti galerii 2023-2024 

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Eloan & Julie’s Moon Base MJ3LCE by Eloan & Julie

Collège Max Jacob  Quimper-Brittany    Prantsusmaa 14 aastat vana   2 / 1 Inglise keeles Moon

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Projekti kirjeldus

Meie Kuu baas on parim ! Me valisime selle komponendi, sest see on oluline söömiseks, magamiseks, vestlemiseks... See kaitseb meie astronaute ja annab neile elamispinna.

With our lunar base, we can see every star from above the surface thanks to our observation tower. To go from the tower to the lunar base there is a tunnel, but you have to wear a spacesuit. Our base was built under a protection bubble in plastic because it protects it from the Sun’s radiations. There is a beautiful bedroom inside and a big dining room. We also built a carrot farm in a greenhouse to grow food.

We built it with large 3D printers.

#3D disain

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