Kuu laagri projekti galerii 2023-2024 

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Space Base in Moon by TrikalaSpaceExplorers

Trikala 1. Keskkool  Trikala-Tessalimaa    Kreeka 15 aastat vana   2 / Inglise keeles Moon

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Projekti kirjeldus

MoonCamp challenge 2024 võistluse raames otsustasime koostada ülesande, mille teemaks on kosmosebaasi loomine Kuul.

We are a group of space explorers which aims to create a space habitat for the astronauts of the future.

When designing the base, our team had to adapt its design to the lunar environment, consider the use of local resources and provide protection for the astronauts.

For the facilities we preferred the hemispherical structure because it is something that will be built there. There is atmospheric pressure inside, outside there is vacuum.So the objects are subjected to great pressures.

During the planning of our base, we took into account various factors such as the surface temperature of the  moon (-233°C to 123°C), the Atmospheric pressure (10-7 Pa),g=10-6 m/s2,the high radiation and the fact that there is no liquid water and oxygen on the Moon.

#3D disain

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