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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.


OŠ Šmartno pri SG  Slovenj Gradec-Koroška    Slovenia 13   0 / 3 Slovenian

1.1 – Project Description


We all learned a lot while writing our project. We hope that our research is reflected in our project.


Original Text:

Med pisanjem našega projekta smo se vsi naučili veliko. Upamo da se v našem projektu vidijo naše raziskovanja.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

We decided on the project mainly because of scientific research. On the moon, we can find many different interesting substances and maybe even some rocks that would be interesting for research.

Original Text:
Za projekt smo se odločili predvsem zaradi znanstvenega raziskovanja. Na luni lahko najdemo veliko različnih zanimivih snovi in mogoče tudi še kakšne kamnine, katere bi bile zanimive za raziskovanje.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?

Moon camp would be built on a crater. I chose this location mainly because of the constant sunlight on the edge of the crater. You can find ice there. This allows the astronauts to get their own water in this place. Another advantage of this location is that the temperatures are tolerable. The third advantage is that you can put solar panels there because of solar energy.

Original Text:
Moon camp bi zgradili na krakerju. To lokacijo sem si izbral predvsem zaradi stalne sončne svetlobe na robu kraterja.  Tam lahko najdeš led. To astronavtom omogoča, da na tem kraju lahko si sam pridobivlaš vodo.. Druga prednost te lokacije je, da so tam znosne temperature. Tretja prednost pa je, da tam lahko postaviš sončne celice zaradi sončne energije.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

I would build a moon camp out of moon rocks and soil. I would use a 3D printer and use it to build my own moon base. One part would be inside the moon and the other outside the moon. Moon camp would be like a kind of capsule. In the outer part, there would be a greenhouse due to solar energy. The exterior would be constructed of toughened glass. It would have three floors inside. It would be for four people. In the 1st there would be a bedroom and a fitness room, in the 2nd there would be a water tank and a kitchen, and in the 3rd there would be a room for relaxation, games, etc.

Original Text:
Moon camp bi zgradil iz luninih kamnov in zemlje. Uporabil bi 3D-tiskalnik in z njim zgradil svojo lunino bazo. En del bi bil v notranjosti lune drugi pa zunaj lune. Moon camp bi bil podoben nekakšni kapsuli. V zunanjem delu bi bil rastlinjak zaradi sončne energije. Zunanji del bi bil zgrajen iz trdega stekla. V notranjost bi mela tri nadstropja. Bil bi za štiri osebe. V 1. bi bla spalnica in fitnes, v 2. bi bil rezervar za vodo in kuhinja v 3. pa bi bila soba za sprostitev, igre itd.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

He would defend against meteors by placing sensors that would detect the meteor. When the sensor detected a meteor, the glass would be covered by a shield. The shield would also be constructed of moonstones.
He would defend himself against solar radiation by building a capsule with two layers. The inner layer would contain water, which absorbs the sun’s rays very well.

Original Text:
Pred meteorji bi se branil tako, da bi postavil senzorje, ki bi zaznali meteor. Ko bi senzor zaznal meteor bi steklo prekrila zaščita. Zaščita bi bila prav tako zgrajena iz luninih kamnov.
Pred sončnim sevanjem bi se branil tako, da bi zgradil kapsulo z dvema plastema. V notranji plasti bi bila voda, ki zelo dobro v sebe vsrkava sončne žarke.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


Lunar water has been found locked as ice in the cold, permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles, moving as a gas in the very thin lunar atmosphere.
Water could be obtained by filtering the Moon’s fingers on the lunar parts of the moon. We could get water from solar winds or from micrometeorites that might contain water.
The moon is dotted with billions of tiny craters, creating shadowy areas across its surface. These regions are technically cold enough to hold frozen ice and very accessible.
Water could also be obtained by renovating and recycling used water. We could get it to have devices that would renew the water from our urine, the gases we exhale when we wash the dishes…

Due to the polar location of our station, where the Sun is present throughout, it is easiest to obtain electricity with its help. So with solar cells. Thus, we would have through the Sun and therefore also through electricity, but a big problem quickly arises. The sun really shines through to the moon, but what about when the Earth is between the moon and the sun? This happens a few times a year and lasts for a few days. At that time, of course, we also need electricity for various activities. But there is a simple solution and that is a device that stores the electricity it collects during the rest of the year when the Sun shines with all its power. However, this device can last up to 17 days without any malfunctions during that time. Electricity is especially important when there is no sun and something must illuminate the plants.

We would grow our own food, we would have plants in the greenhouse and fish in the pond.

Oxygen would be obtained through the photosynthesis of the plants in the greenhouse.


Original Text:

Lunino vodo so našli zaklenjeno v obliki ledu v hladnih, trajno zasenčenih kraterjih na luninih polih in se v obliki plina premika v zelo tanki lunini atmosferi.
Vodo bi lahko pridobili s filtriranjem Lunine prsti na lunarnih delih lune. Lahko bi dobili vodo s sončnimi vetrovi ali iz mikrometeoritov, ki morda vsebujejo vodo.
Luna je posejana z milijardami drobnih kraterjev, kar ustvarja senčna območja po njeni površini. Te regije so tehnično dovolj hladne za zadrževanje zmrznjenega ledu in zelo dostopne.
Vodo bi lahko tudi pridobili z prenavljanjem in recikliranjem porabljene vode. Dobili jo bi lahko da bi imeli naprave, ki bi prenavljale vodo iz našega urina, plinov, ki jih izdahnemo, ko pomijemo posodo…

Zaradi polarne lege naše postaje, kjer je Sonce skoz prisotno je najlažje pridobivati elektriko z njegovo pomočjo. Torej s sončnimi celicami. Tako bi imeli skoz Sonce in torej tudi skoz elektriko, a pride kar hitro do velikega problema. Sonce sicer res skoz sije na luno, a kaj pa potem, ko je med luno in Soncem Zemlja? To se dogaja parkrat na leto in traja nekaj dni. Takrat pa seveda tudi potrebujemo elektriko za raznorazna početja. Obstaja pa preprosta rešitev in to je napravi, ki shranjuje elektriko, ki jo zbira v ostalem letu ko Sonce sije z vso močjo. Ta naprava pa lahko zdrži kar do 17 dni brez kakršnih koli pomanjkanj v tistem času. Elektrika pa je še posebej pomembna, ko ni Sonca in nekaj pač mora osvetljevat rastline.

Hrano bi si pridelovali sami, v rastlinjaku bi imeli rastline in v ribniku ribe.

Kisik bi pridobivali s fotosintezo rastlin v rastlinjaku.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


An astronaut’s day begins at 7:00 a.m. Then get ready for the day. First he has to check if everything is working such as water flow, light and plant growth. After checking everything, it’s time for breakfast and a half-hour workout at the fitness center. After finishing the training, he starts exploring the moon and its surface for several hours. After exploring, it’s time for lunch and rest. Then he has some free time and finally checks the operation of the whole camp. Dinner and socializing will follow. After a busy day, he goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.


Original Text:

Dan astronavta se začne ob 7.00. Nato se pripravi na dan. Najprej mora preveriti  če vse deluje kot na primer pretok vode, svetloba in rast rastlin. Ko preveri vse pa je čas za zajtrk in pol urno vadbo fitnesu. Po končani vadbi pa začne večurnega raziskovanja lune in njenega površja. Po končanem raziskovanju je čas za kosilo in počitek. Nato ima še nekaj prostega časa in na koncu še enkrat preveri delovanje vsega tabora. Sledi še večerja in druženje. Po napornem dnevu gre spati on 21.00.