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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

Moon Paradise

IES SIVERA FONT  Canals-VALENCIA    Spain 13   0 / 0 Spanish

1.1 – Project Description


This project deals with a base called Moon paradise. We are located in a lunar sea: Sinus Medii, middle and lower bay of Mare Vaporum. It will have an orchard, a warehouse, an infirmary, an anti-meteorite program, a communications room and a place for different expedition ship to come to earth. It will count for 2 astronauts a boy and a girl so they can have children and reproduce.


Original Text:

Este proyecto trata de una base llamada Moon paradise .Estamos localizado en un mar lunar: Sinus Medii bahia del medio y bajo de Mare Vaporum .Contará de un huerto, un almacén,una enfermería,un programa anti meteoritos, una sala de comunicaciones i un lugar para que vengan diferentes nave de expedición a la tierra.Contará para 2 astronautas un chico y una chica para que puedan tener hijos y reproducirse.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?


To investigate the moon, to find out if it is habitable and also to see if in a few years you can build a city and live there.


Original Text:

Para investigar la luna, para saber si es habitable y también para ver si dentro de unos años se puede construir una ciudad y vivir allí.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar equator

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


We chose it because it was a wide place without mountains also because it is surrounded by mountains and it is close to some craters and lunar maria


Original Text:

Lo elegimos porque era un lugar amplio sin montaña también porque está rodeado de montaña y está cerca de algunos cráteres y mares lunares

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.


We plan to build the camp with strong and heavy materials, all the materials will be transported in other ships and built by people and robots, all the materials will be from the earth since there are none on the moon, the camp would take 11 months to build and 3 weeks approximately.


Original Text:

Pensamos construir el campamento con materiales fuertes y pesados,todos los materiales serán transportado en otras naves y construido por personas y robot, todos los materiales serán de la tierra ya que en la luna no hay, el campamento tardaría en construirse en un 11 meses y 3 semanas aproximadamente.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.


The astronauts will be protected by propulsion missiles that will drift any object and the rooms will be protected by anti-radiation panels.


Original Text:

Los astronautas estarán protegidos por unos misiles de propulsión que derivaran cualquier objeto y las habitaciones estarán protegidas por unos paneles anti radiación.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


The astronauts will have water thanks to a tank that will keep it frozen and when they pass through the pipes it is released since they will be hot, the food will be stored in a specialized room for that, the air will be recycled with a machine that will go through the entire camp and every 1 month will bring you new air in a ship with air, food and water.
Power will be obtained from solar panels that will be located around the base


Original Text:

Los astronautas tendrán agua gracias a un depósito que lo mantendrá helado y cuando pasen por las tuberías se desata ya que estarán calientes,la comida será almacenada en una habitación especializada para eso, el aire será reciclado con una máquina que recorrerá todo el campamento y cada 1 mes le llevara aire nuevo en una nave con aire,comida y agua.
La energía se obtendrá de paneles solares que estarán situados alrededor de la base


4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


The program will include lunar training with maintenance practices, gardening, plumbing, energy, and some medicine. The ship will have a robot that will analyze you and tell you what is wrong with the help of X-rays and a highly advanced system.


Original Text:

El programa incluirá un entrenamiento lunar con prácticas de mantenimiento,jardinería fontanería,energía,y algo de medicina,la nave tendrá un robot que te analice y te diga que te pasa con ayuda de rayos X y con un sistema muy avanzado.