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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

Boon Base

ROBOKIDS  Whiterock-BC    Canada 12   0 / 0 English

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1.1 – Project Description

My moon base was made using tinkercad. I have made 2 key components that I think that the project needs. A greenhouse and a drill. The drill will be used for many different projects such as drilling ice to become water as well as drilling rocks to get the minerals out of the rocks. My greenhouse is used to grow and store many different varieties of plants such as oranges and lettuce. There will be enough variety to keep the astronauts full and as well as having a tasty meal. My moon base is different from other moon bases through its usage of solar power, air circulation as well as different types of conservative power. My moon base’s main project is to find something on the far side of the moon that is enough to satisfy our wonder as well as making a scientific breakthrough in the industry. In conclusion, my moon base is different from other moon bases because it is strong and sturdy as well as cheaper to construct yet still an effective design to achieve the goal.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

I want to build a moon camp so that more research can be done for finding a good place to live on the moon. This is very important due to the fact of overpopulation and that humans need to relocate to a better area other than the Earth because eventually there will be too many people and there is absolutely no way that the earth can sustain so many people all at once. The best method to save humanity is relocating to a new planet or a celestial object that is large enough and rich enough with nutrients to keep us alive for a long time.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

On the far side of the Moon

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?

We want to investigate different areas on the moon. Currently there are 2 parts on the moon and one of them hasn’t been investigated for a long period of time and that is the far side of the moon. The far side of the moon never gets light from the sun and is always dark. We want to first set up camp on the side which gets sunlight to power our equipment via solar panels. But our base will be close to the far side because we will try to do further research with moon rovers and other appliances and technology that we can bring up in the near future to see if one side of the moon is better or worse for sustaining human life.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

 We will be using carbon nanotubes to construct the moon base as carbon nanotubes are incredibly strong as well as light, so it is a perfect fit for easy transportation from the Earth as well as an easy setup. This choice is better than steel because steel isn’t as lightweight and it will cost more in general after because of the cost of rocket fuel and transportation. We will first make a factory to drill out carbon out of the moon’s surface so we don’t have to transport materials from Earth. We will also make the greenhouse early because the astronauts need food. Titanium can be found in the lunar surface which can be used to build various structures on the moon or refining other structures by making them more stable. This will be an important part of the moon base project because you cannot bring everything from Earth to the moon. Titanium is a metal that can be used in a lot of things for building. Titanium is good in the aerospace industry so it can help with the creation of rockets as well as other building materials. In conclusion we will be using various materials and minerals found on the lunar surface such as titanium to help with research as well as refining our buildings and technology.


3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

We will use lightweight magnetic shields that are light and effective. These lightweight magnetic shields are used to block the sun’s deadly radiation as we want our astronauts to live a long life with family and friends. If this doesn’t work we will be using gigantic mirrors to block the sun’s radiation to reflect the solar radiation back at the sun. If the sun was alive like people it would also have to worry about getting skin cancer. Since there is a permanent dust cloud on the moon, if the dust cloud comes near these shields, they will easily be deflectedt. The moon base has the same air pressure as on Earth. There will also be air circulation pumps that make it so the astronauts can take off their gear to make it easier to move around. It is our strategy to keep all of our astronauts strong and healthy. Having asteroids bombard the moon base does not add to that, so we will make sure that our moon base is able to withstand all of the asteroids and space debris. This will make it easier to do scientific research without the constant worry of an asteroid crashing into the lab. Of course this is all for the safety of the astronauts for them to be able to make breakthroughs on the moon to bring back knowledge and information for 12 year olds to learn in school. So in conclusion, this is a good way to save the astronauts from debris that can cause diseases as well as major explosions from asteroids.


3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

We will be drilling the ice inside the moon and extracting it and heating it up into water. For air we will be pumping up oxygen into tanks which will be filtered and circulated in the moon base as well as in the astronaut suits. At the beginning, astronauts will bring dried food from Earth, but they need a long term solution. So they will be using the greenhouse to store and grow different types of vegetables and fruits. We will use solar power to power the pipes and capture energy from the sun which will be reincarnated into a conservative source of energy for the moon base and the greenhouse.

I will be using the same method that astronauts use in rockets. The moon base won’t have toilets but will have pipes that suck the waste into a bag. The bag will be airtight and when it is full using a sensor outside of the bag. It will be launched outside into space using a catapult function, or be broken down in a reactor to generate water and gasses that can be used as fuel. We can also build a factory that neutralizes the waste into fertilizer to grow plants in the greenhouse. Liquid waste will be filtered using waste water filters into drinkable water that astronauts can reuse for drinking and other purposes.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

We will be training them using flight simulation that you see in amusement parks but instead of that fun and easy ride, we will make it hard and challenging and make the dashboard the exact same as the rocket that they will be taking up into space. They will need to remember what each button, lever or switch does because even a small error can result in massive collateral damage. We will also train them to learn different languages in order to communicate with different astronauts and mission control. They will also learn how to operate all the machinery that are being taken up into space as well such as the special space drill. We also will teach them how to do first aid as well as other emergency protocols that might save them on their trip as if one astronaut gets hurt the other ones are able to help them.